Gambling Articles
February 25, 2006
Skipped Meals and
Food insecure without
hunger includes affirmative responses to anxiety about
having adequate money or food to feed the family and
perceptions that the food eaten by adults or children
was inadequate in quality or quantity.
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February 24, 2006
Insomnia and Gambling
Gambling is defined as
any betting or wagering for self or others, whether for
money or not, no matter how slight or insignificant,
where the outcome is uncertain or depends upon chance or
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February 23, 2006
Gambling in Calcutta
A Calcutta, or
pool" is an event held in conjunction with a
golf tournament,
horse race, or similar contest with multiple
entrants. Accordingly participants (in
Calcutta, India, from where this technique
was first recorded by the Colonial
British) bid among themselves to "buy" each
of the contestants, each contestant being assigned to
the highest bidder.
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February 23, 2006
Gambling and Toxication
or gaming, betting of money or
valuables on, and often participation in, games of
chance (some involving degrees of skill). In England and
in the United States, gambling was not a common-law
crime if conducted privately.
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February 22, 2006
Gambling and Hotel Promotions
Gambling by tourists
occurs in many places around the world. More regions and
countries are establishing casinos, regarded as
attractions. How are gambling and tourism related
and how do casinos attract tourists.
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February 22, 2006
Board of Health and Gambling
Services for people
experiencing problems related to their gambling and
their families are available in all health authorities.
Experienced counselors working in outpatient centers
offer all services. Problem gambling counseling services
delivered by regional health authorities are available
free of charge to residents.
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February 21, 2006
Systems and Gambling
Gambling systems make millions of dollars every year for
their owners. People have created a series of gambling
systems such as black jack, poker, roulette, baccarat,
craps or slot machines.
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February 21, 2006
Gambling in Famous Cities
Sports gambling or betting on sporting events is a
common form of gambling around the world, which involves
billions of dollars annually. Huge events like the Super
Bowl or the World Series are organized which generate
wagers totaling billions of dollars and are highly
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February 21, 2006
Gambling in
famous Cities
Gambling is any behavior involving risking money or
valuables making a wager or placing a stake on the
outcome of a game, contest, or other event in which the
outcome of that activity depends partially or totally
upon chance or upon one's ability to do something.
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February 20, 2006
GAMBLING is a type of game, which is there for easy
money by betting of money or valuables if you intend to
participate in the game. Gambling is a game of fate,
some degree of skills is also involved.
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February 20, 2006
Gambling Cities
Gambling is a growing
attraction all over the world and nobody can deny this
fact. The coming of online gambling casinos and games
has accelerated the growth of gambling even more.
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February 20, 2006
Communities and Gambling
Gambling has been around
for a long time. It can be traced back to the primitive
people who use to cast bones or sticks into the air. On
basis of the written accounts, the gambling in the time
of Romans was very famous and Roman Empire could be
described as compulsively addicted to gambling.
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February 19, 2006
Latest News on
Gambling is a game of money
which slightly depends on experience and
skill. Gambing is very
frequently played in America. There are some latest
gambling world news.
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February 19, 2006
Bahamas Gambling
Bahamas is the place to be if you want to make a few
thousand dollars in one night, or dance the night away,
or just want to show off your newly acquired bronze tan
- the Bahamas nightlife will offer you more then a few
places to do it.
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February 19, 2006
Toronto Gambling
Out-of-control gambling is on the rise and gambling
addiction is now recognized as a psychiatric disorder
and a challenge for mental health treatment that can
ruin a person’s life.
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February 18, 2006
NSU Gambling Health Care Centers
The full
form of NSU is Nova Southeastern University, where their
services are available to adults, children, adolescents,
and elderly clients, regardless of race, color, sex,
age, non disqualifying disability, religion or creed,
sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin.
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February 18, 2006
Health Sciences Gambling Research
Research will significantly
contribute to developing health approach for gambling as
gambling causes they do need to bet more money
frequently restlessness when attempting to stop and loss
of control manifested by continuation of the gambling
behavior in spite of mounting, serious, negative
consequences and problem gambling can result in
financial ruin, legal problems, loss of career and
family, or even suicide and these effects the family
members, children, close friends, your job and also
ruins your life.
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February 18, 2006
Gambling An Attraction
Gambling is the wagering of
money or other items of value on an uncertain event,
dependent either wholly or in part on luck. Gambling has
been appealing to the man basically for his desire for
gain and the thrill of his uncertainty or risk.
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February 17, 2006
Gambling Issues
Legalized gambling is one
of the fastest expanding enterprises in the United
States and in 2003, the gross revenues from gambling
were $72.9 billion that is more money than Americans
spend on movie tickets, theme parks, spectator sports
and videogames combined.
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February 17, 2006
Gambling Authors
We all know that many
casino gambling books, software packages, videos,
newsletters, etc. are commissioned by the casinos in
order to let people know something about gambling.
Casino consultants write many of such educational
packages and such materials only serve the financial
interests of the casino kingdom.
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February 17, 2006
Councils On Gambling
Gambling includes all
gambling behavior patterns that compromise, disrupt or
damage personal, family or vocational pursuits and the
essential features of gambling are increasing
preoccupation with gambling, a need to bet more money
more frequently, restlessness or irritability when
attempting to stop, chasing losses, and loss of control
manifested by continuation of the gambling behavior in
spite of mounting, serious, negative consequences.
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February 16, 2006
Prohibition of Gambling
Gambling also known as
betting is any behavior involving risking money or
valuables in order making a wager or placing a stake on
the outcome of a game, contest, or other event in which
the outcome of that activity depends partially or
totally upon chance or upon one's ability to do
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February 16, 2006
Teen Gambling
Gambling is any behavior
that involves the risking of money or valuables on the
outcome of a game, contest, or other event that is
partially or totally dependent on chance and for most
people, gambling is something they do occasionally as a
form of recreation.
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February 16, 2006
Self Recovery
Gambling can be addictive like
drinking alcohol in which
gambling can be a social activity for many, but some
people cross the line, never to return again. An
estimated 5 percent of the population is compulsive
gamblers but some people cross the line, never to return
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February 15, 2006
Over the past
decade, gambling has become an important recreational
activity in the United States and also in 1975, Nevada
was the only state that offered casino gambling,
thirteen states had lotteries, and 68% of adults had
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February 15, 2006
Preventing Gambling Addiction
People often believe in
game systems, luck and other thoughts in favor of the
player, which makes them keep on trying to win and most
of the times to sick to false belief like the conviction
that success depends on something also the person is
convinced that the chance of winning is bigger than
normal, based on arguments that cannot be proven.
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February 15, 2006
Pool and Poker
Pool is an eight ball or a
billiards game played with a cue ball and 15 billiard
balls on a pool table with 6 pockets also there are
eight solid-colored balls numbered 1 through 8, seven
striped balls numbered 9 through 15, and a solid white
cue ball.
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February 14, 2006
Monaco Gambling
Monaco is one of the
beautiful locations; natural harbor, exceptionally mild
climate, and gambling tables in Monte Carlo make it one
of the best-known resorts of the
therefore very popular gambling.
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February 14, 2006
Gambling Disorders
Pathological gambling is an
illness characterized by persistent and recurrent
maladaptive patterns of gambling behavior however it
appears to be relatively common but uncontrollable
gambling behavior may lead to personal, family and
occupational difficulties.
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February 14, 2006
Gambling Capital
Gambling used to be what a
few unscrupulous people did with the aid of organized
crime but gambling fever now seems to affect nearly
everyone as more and more states try to legalize various
forms of gambling.
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February 13, 2006
Gambling and
Research continues to indicate that people can become
addicted to gambling, or high risk situations, in the
same way that they become hooked on drug and the brain
releases dopamine that is a neurotransmitter that
produces euphoria when the element of risk is involved.
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February 13, 2006
Gambling and
Gambling is also known as
betting that is any behavior involving risking money or
valuables making a wager or placing a stake on the
outcome of a game, contest, or other event in which the
outcome of that activity depends partially or totally
upon chance or upon one's ability to do something.
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February 13, 2006
Effects of Gambling on Family Members
A gambler is anyone whose
gambling is causing psychological, financial, emotional,
marital, legal, or other difficulties for themselves and
the people around them especially to the family members.
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February 12, 2006
Effects of Gambling on Children
Problem gambling includes
all gambling behavior patterns that compromise, disrupt
or damage personal, family or vocational pursuits and
the essential features are increasing preoccupation with
gambling, a need to bet more money more frequently,
restlessness or irritability when attempting to stop,
‘chasing’ losses, and loss of control manifested by
continuation of the gambling behavior in spite of
mounting, serious, negative consequences.
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February 12, 2006
Effects on gambling
Problem and
pathological gambling bring enormous social, economic,
and psychological implications not just only for the
gambler but also to the society at large feels these
costs that is individuals, families and communities all
suffer from problem gambling, and, while it would be
impossible to describe all of the repercussions
associated with problem gambling.
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February 12, 2006
Books on Gambling
Gambling often known as
betting also is like everything else however the better
educated you are at it, the better chance you have of
winning or at least not losing so much. And the outcome
of the game indicates to whom the main stake belongs;
but they also put a price upon the head of each piece,
according to its value, and for each piece that a player
loses he pays its value to his opponent.
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February 11, 2006
The gambling is a game
played all over the world. It is for all those who are
amused by the game. The game demands one to bet money in
the game. The player has to risk, it is the rule of the
game. One spin can then decide anything.
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February 11, 2006
Free Poker Rooms
Poker is a game having its
origin in U.S.A. which was earlier called bluff it is
basically a vying game in which bluffing is the foremost
thing, vying is the game in which one doesn’t play
his/her card but points that who among all holds the
best combinations of card.
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February 10, 2006
Women's Poker Club
Poker is not just for men
instead it’s even for women where women around the world
are impassioned about poker, and play at all different
levels. And if you want to play exclusive poker
tournaments then you can come to Women’s Poker Club and
WPC is not like any other experience you may have had in
another forum or poker club.
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February 10, 2006
Poker Software
If you want to learn how to play casino poker and
improve your game then poker software is what you
require and hence the
best way to learn a new casino game is to practice on a
computer at home before risking any money in the casino.
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February 9, 2006
Microgaming Casinos
Micro gaming has been the
oldest and the largest online casino software providers
online. Even without the title of “Player’s Choice”, it
has been the operators’ choice since the infancy of the
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February 9, 2006
Gambling Bills
Gambling is all about
betting of money or valuables on, and often
participation in, games of chance involving some degree
of skills. Gambling did not constitute a common law
crime when conducted privately in countries like England
and United States.
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February 9, 2006
Best Online Video Poker
Online video poker is
vastly different from playing video poker in land
casinos while here you can't get up and change machines
when the machine you're playing isn't paying as well as
nor can you walk away with money in hand; and different
online casinos place their emphasis on different games.
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February 8, 2006
Animated Sports Gambling
Gambling is all about betting of money or valuables on,
and often participation in, games of chance involving
some degree of skills. Gambling did not constitute a
common law crime when conducted privately in countries
like England and United States.
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February 8, 2006
The Great
Canadian Casinos
Gambling is ubiquitous in
Canada. Although it has only been 30 years since the
first lotteries were introduced in Canada, there are now
over 50 permanent casinos, 21,000 slot machines, 38,000
video lottery terminals, 20,000 annual bingo events, and
44 permanent horse race tracks in Canada. Over the same
period, a national debate has emerged over the
appropriate level of gambling in our communities.
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February 8, 2006
Rules Of
Basketball Gambling
Unlike any other game it is
necessary that one should be aware of the facts that
Professional Basketball is considered official after 43
minutes of regulation play or at the completion of
overtime period. When the wagering purposes are
considered then College Basketball is considered
official after 35 minutes of regulation play or at the
completion of overtime period.
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February 7, 2006
Poker Robots
there is a big discussion between the poker community
people about online poker robots that could be able to
play online by it selves. Technically a Poker "bot" is a
robot, which was first developed by The University of
Alberta's Computer Poker Research Group.
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February 7, 2006
Internet Abuse And Online Gambling
In the
past decade, rapid development and exponential growth in
the use of electronic, computer-based communication and
information sharing via the Internet, particularly
across the Western world has taken place. There are many
benefits that have resulted from Internet usage.
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February 7, 2006
And Casinos
Firstly, what is
hospitality? Well, an act or practice is said to be
hospitable, when guests, visitors, or strangers receive
good reception and entertainment with liberality and
goodwill. While a public room or building for gambling
and other entertainment is casino.
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February 6, 2006
Horseshoe Casinos
This type of gambling has
become so popular that one has millions of facilities
associated like more than 70 table games, including
Craps, Roulette, Caribbean Stud, and Poker in legendary
poker rooms. Horseshoe casinos have began to get the
best of popularity as they have a mark of their own
these days as there are other associated facilities like
hotel booking and a space-challenged 3-floor vessel that
has been rendered obsolete in a mature gaming market,
the property has evolved into one of the most successful
riverboat destinations.
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February 6, 2006
Gambling Treatment
Well are you
suffering from problem gambling? Even if you want, you
can’t stop gambling, is this situation yours? Then you
need gambling treatment. You need to be treated by a
staff of psychiatrists, psychologists, chemical
dependency counselors, family counselors, clergy of all
denominations and a full time teacher.
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February 6, 2006
Gambling Therapy
As anything in excess can
cause a problem so is gambling because it can cause a
severe problem disruptions in any major area of life:
psychological, physical, social or vocational. The
adverse effect can lead to a lot of problems like the
roots of addiction can usually be traced to a wish to
suppress or avoid some kind of emotional pain that can
lead to severe problems later.
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February 5, 2006
Gambling Survey
To have a record of
anything it is necessary that one should be aware of the
current conditions and that can be done by a survey. The
survey of gambling gives a record of the events that has
taken place and a record of the events that can take
place in the future.
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February 5, 2006
Gambling Packages
If you are planning for a
nice and entertaining holiday then it is necessary that
you should be prepared with a vacation package. If there
is a plan of having a holiday with gambling as fun then
it is necessary that one has to think on lodging as well
as playing the game.
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February 5, 2006
Free Online
Gambling Games
Type online
gambling into a search engine and you will get as many
as 18,700,000 options of online gambling sites to choose
from. This is how enormously; gambling has announced
itself in the world of internet.
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February 4, 2006
Practicing gambling is not
a big deal now as the problem is solved due to the
casino software that one can download easily from the
Internet. All the people who are beginners have a chance
to learn the appropriate gambling techniques and they
begin the actual game.
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February 4, 2006
Chicago is the largest city
of Illinois, in the northeast part of the state on Lake
Michigan. It is also a major port and a commercial,
financial, industrial and cultural center of the Middle
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February 4, 2006
Bingo and
Slots Casinos
Bingo casinos – bingo is a
very simple game and is usually offered by all casinos.
Unlike slot machine, it has being played since a long
time. Each bingo player is given a card that is marked
with a grid containing a unique combination of numbers
or blank spaces.
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3, 2006
Poker Strategy
If you expect to be the big
winner every time you play poker, well, you are an
optimist. However, being a winner more times than not
is possible if you heed a few simple rules of poker
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2, 2006
Party Poker
Have a party.
Better yet, have a poker party. Even better; go online
for party poker. Play the game while sitting in the
comfort of your own home sipping your favorite beverage
and counting your winning.
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1, 2006
Online Sports
Gone are the days of
gamblers calling their local bookies or fighting the
traffic into a sporting event. Gamblers find online
sports betting as easy as tapping on a computer mouse.
There is virtually every legitimate sporting event
available for online sports betting.
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