Effects of Gambling
on Children:
by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker
February 12, 2006
What is problem
gambling and what are its effects?
Problem gambling
includes all gambling behavior patterns that compromise,
disrupt or damage personal, family or vocational
pursuits and the essential features are increasing
preoccupation with gambling, a need to bet more money
more frequently, restlessness or irritability when
attempting to stop, ‘chasing’ losses, and loss of
control manifested by continuation of the gambling
behavior in spite of mounting, serious, negative
consequences. While in extreme cases, problem gambling
can result in financial ruin, legal problems, loss of
career and family, or even suicide and this effects the
family members as well as children.
How does gambling
effect children?
Children are usually
aware when their parents are going through stress and
worries and they can also feel the effects that ‘problem
gambling’ has on their parents’ lives and relationships
but children respond differently to these problems
depending on their individual natures and their ages.
There is some evidence to suggest that children of
parents ho have a problem with gambling are at a greater
risk of using alcohol, drugs or gambling at an earlier
age than other children hence affecting the child’s
future. And the more immediate
effects on children can
include being anxious, depressed, angry or even he can
refuse to go to school and due to that there might be
poor school performance. There can be withdrawal from
friends and activities also they may show signs in their
physical health as there might be changes in sleeping
patterns and also in their usual behavior.
However children can
also have a strong sense of loss and this loss may be
for a parent who is away gambling for long periods, the
loss of security, the loss of trust and of feeling
connected or close to a parent when the parent is
preoccupied with gambling or trying to hide it due to
this they may feel the loss of family togetherness they
once had. Children also have feelings of loss that come
with financial hardship and they know there is less
money for household items like food, clothing, family
outings, activities and school excursions.
What to do further to
help your children?
If gambling is beginning
to cause problems at home then it is generally a good
idea to bring this out in the open and let your children
know that you are trying to sort things out as well as
that they are not to blame for the situation as this
also lets them know that they don’t have to be
responsible for their parents. And also parents who
change their problem gambling behavior they provide
their children with a real example of overcoming a
difficult situation with effort and commitment.

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