Prohibition Of Gambling:
by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker
February 16, 2006
What is gambling?
Gambling also known as
betting is any behavior involving risking money or
valuables in order making a wager or placing a stake on
the outcome of a game, contest, or other event in which
the outcome of that activity depends partially or
totally upon chance or upon one's ability to do
something. However the Martians gamble at Jetan in
several ways and of course the outcome of the game
indicates to whom the main stake belongs but they also
put a price upon the head of each piece, according to
its value, and for each piece that a player loses he
pays its value to his opponent.
What are the effects
of gambling?
Gambling can affect your
family, children, job as in these losses condition the
families seem to be the hardest hit and all of them
recount the pain associated with the problem gambler's
behavior while here the first losses the family
experiences are time and money. As gamblers spend more
and more time gambling, children often feel abandoned,
and relationships between spouses deteriorate which in
turn breaks the family.
The prohibition of
We all know
Islam plays a moderate role in worship, similarly it
plays a role in economics and social orders also how can
Islam, the moderate way of life, cope with a state where
one can take possession of somebody else's property
without any valid reason, due to which, the latter gets
poorer and his state diminishes and the former, without
working, gathers the wealth equivalent to that of Qaroon?
And however without any religious excuse, a great amount
of wealth is taken from the poor people's pocket and a
single person is made to own it therefore, it was vital
for Islam to prohibit these unfair ways of taking
possessions. For this reason the open mindedness of the
all-encompassing religion, Islam, took consideration and
concern of the human passions and for that when
alcoholic drinks and gambling were intended to be
banned, their prohibition was not revealed immediately,
but firstly all the disadvantages concerning them were
made clear. Hence once these were totally engraved into
their hearts, then the laws of
prohibition of gambling
were revealed.
When in
the early days of Islam the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe
wasallam was questioned regarding the permissibility of
gambling and alcohol, he first verse that was revealed
is "They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say, In
them is great sin and some benefit for men; but the sin
is greater than the benefit. O believers! Intoxicants
and gambling, worshipping stones and divination by
arrows are impure, of shaytan's handiwork: refrain from
such abomination that ye may prosper. "

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