Gambling and Smoking:
by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker
February 13, 2006
Research continues to indicate that people can become
addicted to gambling, or high risk situations, in the
same way that they become hooked on drug and the brain
releases dopamine that is a neurotransmitter that
produces euphoria when the element of risk is involved.
As with drug addiction, people gamble to elevate
dopamine levels and with gambling they can be addicted
to alcohol or smoking also. The symptoms of gambling are
such as there
is a continuous need to gamble and this costs money
where this often leads to stealing and the patient gets
social problems as a result.
does gambling and smoking is affected?
Since gambling includes
all gambling behavior patterns that compromise, disrupt
or damage personal, family or vocational pursuits and
the essential features of gambling are increasing
preoccupation with gambling, a need to bet more money
more frequently, restlessness or irritability when
attempting to stop, chasing losses, and loss of control
manifested by continuation of the gambling behavior in
spite of mounting, serious, negative consequences. While
in extreme cases, problem gambling can result in
financial ruin, legal problems, loss of career and
family, or even suicide and these effects the family
members, children, close friends, your job and also
ruins your life.
Addiction of gambling
and smoking:
In a recent study,
published in the scientific journal, Addiction, reports
that cigarette smoking is associated with an increased
severity of gambling, most particularly in compulsive
gamblers who are participating in a gambling treatment
program and also the smokers agreed that they had little
control over their gambling. They were more likely than
non-smokers to be taking psychiatric medications and
they experienced more psychiatric symptoms, especially
anxiety, depression compared with non-smokers hence
smoking and gambling are both addictive and compulsive
behaviors where both can ruin the bliss of freedom to be
productive, rather than self destructive.
All smoking is a gamble,
isn't it and one in five smokers develops chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease and the risks of heart
attack, stroke, and seven cancers, as well as other
diseases such as macular degeneration, osteoporosis, and
peripheral vascular diseases which are much higher in
smokers than in non-smokers hence smoking is very
dangerous for your health. Virtually all smokers die at
a younger age than non-smokers, often more than 10
years, depending upon the age of starting smoking and
the intensity of smoking throughout their lifetime also
it is accepted that all of life is a gamble. And
gambling as well as
smoking sometimes adds jest to life
but there is no joy in the bondage of tobacco addiction
and the threat of loss of quality of length of life.
Gambling can also affect
you family, good friends and your job where you can come
down to depression and loose everything. Gambling is a
game where you have to be careful since you can loose
everything you have.

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