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Tag Archives: winning

Big Bonus Offers

 By Samantha Williams  Since all the fun and frolic of New Year’s arrival has ended, we have settled with our usual routine. This is the reason behind the online poker rooms and the casinos gradually raising their bonus prizes to attract more people to the games that usually slow down from the end of December. […]

Four No-No’s In Playing Poker

By Samantha Williams Contrary to what other people may think, there’s not much money in poker, compared to other casino games, such as baccarat, the game of the elite, and blackjack. In fact, you’re losing more. You may ask then, “Why are there so many people who are still willing to gamble in poker such […]

Helpful Tips for Amateur Gamblers

By Samantha Williams So you’ve got some spare cash for gambling? If you are not a habitual gambler and are planning to try your luck at the casino, take a few seconds to stop and read this. Set aside your dream of raking in thousands of dollars before the night is over and do a […]

Is it Possible to Stop Online Gambling?

By Samantha Williams Gambling gives thrill and ego satisfaction that the winner is above the rest of others in the group. The prizes apart, it is the feeling of elation one experiences at the time of winning that kindles the spirit to indulge in gambling on innumerable varieties, sizes and specimens. Gambling is a game […]

Online Gambling Party

Have you ever gathered your friends together for a gambling party?  Has it ever turned sour or produced hard feelings among your guests?  One way to avoid this is to throw an online gambling party.   Set up a time and place as you would any gambling party, and tell your friends to bring their […]

Gambling Smart Online

Your experiences with online gambling should be a pleasant one.  However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you begin.  It is important to know how to choose online casinos and payment methods that are best for you.  You should also know the tax implications and how to stay in control of […]

Gambling- Skill vs. Chance?

Poker is a favorite among gamblers and is, therefore, the most debated. Various courts around the world rule it unlawful because it is a game of chance. Other courts rule that it is a game of skill. Why the confusion? It shouldn’t take a genius to figure out that poker is a game of skill. […]