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Four No-No’s In Playing Poker

By Samantha Williams

Contrary to what other people may think, there’s not much money in poker, compared to other casino games, such as baccarat, the game of the elite, and blackjack. In fact, you’re losing more. You may ask then, “Why are there so many people who are still willing to gamble in poker such as Texas Holdem?” This is because they want to have fun!

But it doesn’t mean, however, that you should take the game complacently. Keep in mind that it’s not only you who’s going to play the game. There are other players who are going to make their bets, fold their cards, or raise a call. To ensure that you don’t spoil poker, be aware of these four perpetual no-no’s in playing poker.

1. Don’t show your cards if others still have the hand. For one, this is against the rules for some casinos, and you can actually pay a fine. Second, it’s totally a terrible poker etiquette. Make sure that you fold your cards if you know that you are already beaten, if you don’t want your hand to be considered as dead.

Why is this technique frowned upon? It’s simply unfair. Those who are gifted in poker and the veterans will be able to take advantage out of your revelation. There’s a huge tendency they will be taking the pot. When you do make a mistake, don’t forget to say you’re sorry.

2. Don’t show any form of emotion unless you’re going to bluff when you’re playing poker. It’s normal to make mistakes in playing poker. One of the biggest errors you can commit is perhaps folding your cards when you know that you actually have a very good hand during the flop. Don’t ruin other people’s chances of winning the pot or getting the idea that they still have the power to take control of the game through your actions. Avoid any scream or banging the table—any appropriate action. Take it like a grain of salt and move on.

3. Bluff at the right place and at the right time. Bluffing is a wonderful technique in playing poker. There are many reasons why a person may resort to bluff. Usually, you resort to it if you want your opponents to fold your card when you know you have a very weak hand. It may sound easy, but the truth is it’s not. First of all, you have to ensure that you don’t overuse it to the point that you will lose your credibility and other players will only raise their stakes much higher. You must use it once in a while to gain a good advantage during a game. Most of all make sure that before you bluff, you have won at least a number of games. When you have earned the respect of your opponents, the more it will be easier for you to implement this technique.

4. Don’t point your finger to the dealer. Poker, like any other game, relies on odds or chances. Thus, when you lose, you don’t have to point your finger to the dealer. In poker, 95 percent relies on fate while 5 percent is dependent on how you play your cards.