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Choose a casino poker site with care

By Samantha Williams

There are myriad casino poker sites that seem to offer great returns but vanish from sight soon after the registration is paid to them. Take care to avoid these unscrupulous operators by focusing on sites that have provided tangible returns to players. The truth is that very often the same vanishing operators can reappear or have a number of parallel sites that offer more than the recommended ones.

Attractive Offers

Think about the offer, is it feasible for a site to last in business if the offer does not draw you to play more on their site. Is it a reasonable business proposition? Normally, a casino poker site will seek to attract attention by offering an upfront bonus on receipt of your deposit. Read the small print; is the bonus payable in cash or in the form of credits that allow you to play more games? Can a credible casino poker site really afford to send more cash than you have invested? Do the math and see for yourself that there is more to be understood about the offers. Some sites appear more attractive since they allow you a free registration. Again, how can the site make up for the gain of registration? Clearly, money will have to be paid at a later point.

Rating sites

Go to the many rating sites that provide a listing of casino poker sites that really provide what they offer. Now use prudence again. Compare the offers that you see on the first few rating sites. Does the offer make sense? Is it possible for a business to run in the long term (you want your earnings to reach you) with the kind of earnings and payments it offers? Most players are in the game for the fun and earning, is it sustainable? For instance, if the offers sound similar with just a little deduction and addition to seem better than the competition, the information on the rating site might be authentic. Guard against over the top promises of return.

Free sites

The earnings on free casino poker sites will be, well, limited. Do not turn your back on them. They are a good training ground for you to learn the rules and know how to find your way through the traps and hurdles that are posed in front of the player. Though these sites do not offer much returns at the start, once you sign up for a paid registration, you can expect much the same service as the other paid sites.

Be informed

This is a caveat about all casino poker sites. Do not enter into this high stakes field without being armed with information about the game and the sites that are credible. Understand how your earnings will accrue – in cash, kind or reward points to play further. What is the minimum earning that affords a direct cash or cheque payment? How long does it take for a payment to come to you? Fix on a site and scour the net for user feedback about the site.