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Casino blackjack – different rules for different casinos

By Samantha Williams
While casino blackjack is a very popular gambling game this game can have a set of different rules depending on where you are attempting to play the game. This is not to be misunderstood thought. The basic rules of casino blackjack and how you play the game remain the same. The difference lies in a few of the house rules. Just as there are differences in the rules of the games played between different live casinos, there is also a difference in the rules when it comes to casinos online. In addition to this there is also a distinction of rules when it comes to online and offline casinos.

The basics
Whether you choose to play casino blackjack online or offline, the basic rules of the game are the same. You need to make sure that you are familiar with these rules before you go any further. If you are an experienced player then you will be more than familiar with these rules, if you are not let us refresh your memory. The first rule to winning is the score the highest that you possible can without going under. This would mean that you need a score of above 21. The second rule of winning at blackjack is fairly simple and straightforward. All you have to do is make sure that you score higher than the dealer.

Dealing styles
The first difference that you will probably notice as a player of casino blackjack who is playing at multiple venues is in the style of dealing. There are really only two ways of dealing, face up and face down and for an avid card player these terms should be quite self explanatory. Some casinos allow their dealers  to deal the cards with the face up, in other words you can see the value of the cards as they are being dealt, while other deal the cards face down. The casinos that allow the dealing to be done face up might give you a slight advantage in terms of knowing exactly what is coming instead of waiting for the suspense.

The deck and the minimum wager
While there is a difference in the dealing style of casino blackjack from place to place, there is also a difference in the ‘shoe’ and the minimum wager that is put out. The ‘shoe’ is basically a collection of decks. The number of decks that is allowed in a shoe is what can differ from place to place. The minimum bet is also an area that can differ. This might also be the deciding factor for some players while choosing their casino, online or offline. Minimum wager is the minimum about that a player is allowed to bet.

The soft 17
If you have been playing casino blackjack for a while you are aware of the fact that the dealer is supposed to draw new cards till he arrives at 17. Some casinos will allow what is called a soft 17. This basically means that the dealer can use an ace as part of the hand.