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Betting Systems And Blackjack – Who Beats Who?

By Samantha Williams

There are a number of systems people use for gambling, these are used online and off and one such a system is the negative progression system, positive progression is anther as is hedge betting. These can be used when playing Blackjack or most other casino games. The only system that casinos do not welcome when you are playing blackjack is card counting and this is completely illegal. However the casino has to be able to prove that you are card counting first.

There is no system that is able to beat the house edge in blackjack or any other gambling game for that matter. If you believe someone who tells you that such a system exists, you have better be pretty sure they are more intelligent than Albert Einstein, because he even pondered the problem and said that systems for beating the house edge are impossible. He also said the only way to actually do this is by stealing when the casino is not looking. Think about this before a con artist with a sure fire negative progression system sells you this for $20. Rather put the $20 on the blackjack table and buy a few chips, you will get more value.

Negative progression systems are dangerous to the extreme and anyone who tells you otherwise, probably wants to part you from your hard earned money. The principle of a negative progression system is to increase bets after a loss, if you think about this, then it is understandable that casinos love players who make use of systems.

Ultimately when you play blackjack or any other game, you should increase bets after win and decrease them after a loss, this is just simple good money management however. The Martingale system is even more dangerous than the negative progression system as it encourages you to “double” bets after each loss. So as you can imagine, the casinos love the Martingale system even more than negative progression!

Money management when playing blackjack or any other casino game is wise whereas systems are dangerous.

Hedge betting is another matter entirely and in many games this is a feature of play. In blackjack you are able to make an insurance bet and this is essentially what hedge betting is, you make one bet to offset the potential loss on another bet. This is the same in craps when you make a Don’t Pass Line bet and an odds bet or place the 6 and 8.

Casinos always win in the long term; gamblers win in the short term as the casino is effectively taking advantage of probability fluctuations. The player has the option to stop playing at any time and fortunately the winning gambler is the gambler who knows when this time comes.