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Know Your Superstitions

Superstitions are common among game-lovers.  They are particularly common in gambling games and sports.  There is a story behind every superstition—whether unique and personal or ordinary and widely practiced.  Take a moment to think of some of your own.
If your superstition is a common one, do you know how it originated?  If it is personal, do you remember how your superstition was born?  It is pertinent that you know the stories behind your traditions, whether they seem necessary or just plain profound.  Knowing their roots is the trick to keeping the magic in your madness.  Think of it this way…if you carry a rabbit’s foot in your pocket, but you don’t know why they say it’s lucky— then it’s just a rabbit’s foot.
Sometimes the explanations behind the “luck charms” will be complex or may even date back to ancient folklore, and sometimes they will be simple and strait forward.  Do not be discouraged if you discover your tradition holds a simple story, for that does not discredit the lucky powers behind it.  Simple and small does not mean ineffective.  (You can make electricity just by rubbing your feet on the carpet.) 
As stated earlier, you must simply know the story.  If it involves a personal experience, try to remember as many details you can about the time of your superstition’s birth.  If you adopted it from popular culture, learn as many facts about it as possible.  Remember to think of this story from time to time.  Think of it while you are entering a casino or logging online.  Reflect on the details of its origin while you’re placing a bet, waiting for the perfect card, etc.  Basically remember it often.  This will keep its luck alive and well.
Beyond knowing and reflecting on the story behind your superstitions, you should always be confident in whatever tradition you practice.  Do not say to yourself, “It might work,” or “I hope this brings me luck.”  Be positive in that IT WILL.  And again, knowing why it will work gives you an edge over tapping into that reservoir of luck.
Another piece of advice is if you find something that works really well for you, don’t tell anyone!  Keep it your own little secret!  I don’t know why this works this way, and I wish I had an explanation for you.  But the bottom line is, keep your best weapons out of enemy intelligence.

By Victoria Maro