The United States set themselves up for trouble with the introduction of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) of 2006. Finally, the dominos are in place…hopefully all we have to do now is watch them fall. Presently, there are many problems with the current legislation, and these flaws cannot be ignored by any citizen, […]
Category Archives: Gambling
Poker Crusher is the newest poker software. Developed by Mutatum Solutions Ltd., it is designed to arm its users with information about current tables and the styles of the players present at them. Poker Crusher is updated every five minutes. It records and analyzes hand histories and betting patterns of over one million poker players. […] is a website where horseracing enthusiasts can go to place bets. It is operated by the owners of the Kentucky Derby, who claim it is a legal gambling operation. Within their FAQ page, they cite a provision that was added to the anti-gambling laws in the year 2006. They interpreted the provision as protecting […]
We all love the game of poker, but for some of us it is becoming increasingly difficult to play the game legally. There has been much controversy over whether skill or chance predominates the game, but most court rulings in the U.S. have labeled it a game of chance. As a way around this skill […]
Many people log on to Absolute Poker to play the much-loved game, making it a very popular website. As recently as September, participants of the site were becoming suspicious that “superuser” accounts might exist within Absolute Poker. A “superuser” account would make it possible for a player to view the hole cards of each opponent. […]
Superstitions are common among game-lovers. They are particularly common in gambling games and sports. There is a story behind every superstition—whether unique and personal or ordinary and widely practiced. Take a moment to think of some of your own. If your superstition is a common one, do you know how it originated? If it […]
There was a disturbing article in Cleveland, Ohio’s Plain Dealer on October 11th. Very often there is more to a story than what is reported, and I hope that everyone (or at least most people) can read in between the lines. This story is about prohibiting cash-paying games, such as the video “tic-tac-toe” machines […]
Just as you read facial expressions and body language of your poker opponents, there are signals to be aware of while playing poker online. Chances are if you don’t know how to read an “online poker face” you are sending telltale signals subconsciously to your opponents. Through your experiences in the game of poker, […]
Have you ever gathered your friends together for a gambling party? Has it ever turned sour or produced hard feelings among your guests? One way to avoid this is to throw an online gambling party. Set up a time and place as you would any gambling party, and tell your friends to bring their […]
Why is there so much controversy about online gambling, and why is the Unites States Government attempting to stifle or even ban participation from its citizens? After the introduction of the UIGEA, it is illegal in many states to open an account for online gambling. At land-based casinos, you can pull money out of […]