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Category Archives: Gambling News

New Threat To Ban Betting Online On Sports Events

By Samantha Williams  Online gambling sites are facing innumerable challenges from the law makers of certain countries to curtail their activities striking at the very root of them. The main contention of those who oppose to online gambling is that the sites are not following fair and ethical trade practices in accepting wagers in monies […]

German Law being scrutinized by European Gambling Organizations

If the European Commission holds its grounds strong, the German law prohibiting certain forms of online betting is about to go for a toss. But it’s still not clear who is going to win, though the new regulation posed by the German government attracted numerous criticisms from the German online gambling community. While the German […]

Battle Royale – Online Gambling’s Battle of Brittain

By Samantha Williams   There is yet another news of waging legal battles the promoting organizations and association of online gambling websites are engaged in, this time on the British soil.  Countries like U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Germany and U.K. where the government authorities are frowning upon the activities of online gambling sites are putting spokes […]