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Online Poker Tournaments
What is an Online Poker Tournament?
The major online poker sites offer varying features to entice new players. One common feature is to offer tournaments called satellites by which the winners gain entry to real-life online poker tournaments.
Online poker tournaments are shown regularly on television, and many players who enjoy the game who watch these tourneys dream of one day participating to win incredible sums of money. For most people, these world-famous tournaments will always be out of reach. Online poker tournaments, however, occur on a daily basis at many internet poker sites.
Online poker tournaments work in much the same way as they do on television. Players compete against each other for certain amounts of time, until the blinds are increased to help the game move along more quickly. The last person standing is obviously the winner, and a large pot is usually the prize. Because a sizeable portion of money is at stake, expect some stiff competition from opponents who play poker online for a living.
Preparing for an online poker tournament is like preparing for any other sport. It takes a great deal of practice and determination before you're ready to put up a good fight at an online poker tournament. Also, like most other competitive pursuits, the help of a coach can do wonders for improving your skills, so you're able stay in the game and hopefully win the prize at the end of the tournament.
Thanks to a countless number of poker tournaments shown on television, Texas Holdem has exploded in popularity over the past few years. If you're new to the game and interested in perhaps hosting your own poker night, or becoming successful at online poker tournament, you first need to understand the basic rules of the game.
Texas Holdem is the most popular poker variation played today. Typically, Holdem is played with five to 11 players. Each player is dealt two cards, followed by a round of betting. Then, the dealer will lay out three more cards, called "the flop." A new round of betting commences, followed by another card being dealt face-up called the "the turn." Finally, a fifth card is dealt face-up (called "the river"), followed by a final round of betting before players show each other their cards to reveal the winner.