Viet Nam Gambling Poker
by Jerry "Jet"
Nov 30, 2006
Viet Nam gambling poker
Vietnam is a country, which is highly rich with
traditions and if you ever happen to visit Vietnam you
may realize the different way of the Vietnamese living
there. Some of the online sites have tried top bring
back some of these traditional
Vietnamese games that
people grew up with and loved all the while. One of
these games is called Chinese poker also known as Xap
Xam in the Vietnamese community.
Play poker
Each player is dealt with 13 cards. The main object is
to arrange them into 3 groups consisting of 3 cards
called as front group, 5 cards called as middle group,
and 5 cards, another, called as back group. Once you
have finished arranging the cards then you can compare
group against with other players and each group that
ranks higher than your opponents corresponding group
would earn you 1 unit. After each hand the dealer shifts
down to on3e place left. A player’s back group must be
stronger than his middle hand and his middle group. The
player’ pays a penalty, otherwise, for the wrong
arrangement. Note one thing that the player having a
flush or a straight with cards of the same rank in more
than one hand, the suit of the high card determines
which the stronger hand is thus, where the hand must be
place. Suit rank starts with spade, followed by hearts,
clovers, and diamond.
Three types of cards in use in Vietnam for different
The standard international 52-card pack is used for
various games.
A special 32 card pack of two color chess cards is
used for the trick taking game
A special 120 card three suited money pack is used
for the rummy game
Some rules
If a player fails to set front, middle and back groups
in the proper ranking order, the group fouls and the
player pays a penalty to each opponent who didn’t
against a clean sweep hand, the value of the clean sweep
against a regular hand, 3 units plus any opponent’s
a player fouls if he or she declares a clean sweep but
cannot produce it, unless an opponent has already
declared intention to surrender.

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