Poker Tables Poker Chips Gambling
by Jerry "Jet"
Nov 30, 2006
The origin of poker:
The origin of poker is believed to be in the first and
second decade of the 19th century. The
predecessors of the present day poker games first
appeared in the former French territory centered on New
Orleans, which was ceded to the infant United States by
the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. This place is also
considered as the cradle of poker particularly the
famous floating salons; the Mississippi steamers that
began to ply their trade from about 1811. In those times
poker was played with a 20-card pack mainly A-K-Q-J-10
and evenly dealt amongst four players. There was no
draw, and bets were made on a narrow range of
combinations for example one pair, two pair, triplets or
full, so called because it is the only combination in
which all five cards are active and four of a kind.
Unlike classic Poker, in which the top hand or the royal
flush can be tied in another suit, the original top hand
consisting of four Aces, or four kings and an Ace, was
absolutely unbeatable.
About poker tables:
reference to the game a
poker table can be any table on
which poker can be played. Most of the poker tables that
are available in shops are designed to imitate the
casino style of poker tables and are available in few
sizes and shapes. However in case of the standard
dimensions of a poker table that are used in
international poker tournaments, the tables are designed
for 4-8 players and the shape is oblong. The table ought
to have white padded border about 8 inches wide present
around the external surface against which players can
lean their hands or arms while playing.
The poker chips:
Poker chips are those tokens that are used in casinos.
The chips represent a fixed amount of money. In the
world of gambling the chips are often described as
checks or cheques. Most of the authentic chips are made
of clay. The casino poker chips are available in
different colors that commonly include red, white, blue
and sometimes black. However the value of the chips of
different colors in terms of money varies from place to
place and casino to casino.
owever the value for money However the value of
the chips of different colors in terms of money varies
from place to place and casino to casino.

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