Online Holdem Poker
by Jerry "Jet"
Nov 27, 2006
About online poker gambling:
Online gambling of poker is the game of poker played
over the Internet. At present online poker has been one
of the main contributing factors for the dramatic
increase in the number of poker players around the
world. According to a recent survey of the Federal
revenue for the year 2005 the revenues from online poker
were estimated at U.S. $ 200 million per month. The main
reasons for the skyrocketing popularity of online poker
is that the traditional venues for playing poker such as
casinos, may be intimidating for novice players and are
located in geographically disparate locations. Moreover
most of the brick and mortar casinos are reluctant to
promote poker because of its difficult for them to
profit from it. Even though the rake
or time charge of the game of poker in traditional
casinos is often high, the opportunity costs of running
a poker room are even higher. Thus traditional casinos
often make much more money by removing poker rooms and
adding more slot machines.
Holdem poker in short:
Off all the poker games the holdem ones namely Texas and
the Omaha holdem are the most popular and exciting of
all poker games. Especially the Texas holdem has rapidly
become the most played form of poker. The game is famous
around the world as the game of choice for many top pros
as well as social players. Texas holdem is a seven-card
game and is easy to understand too. In this game a
player has to make the best 5 card hand possible from a
choice of 2 hole cards that are also known as the pocket
cards, that are dealt face down to each player and the 5
community cards that everyone can use. To begin the
starting hand, each player will receive two hole cards,
also called pocket cards, which are dealt face down to
each player. The players can only view their own hole
cards. For every one who is going to try
Texas holdem
for the first time it is very important to know about
the blinds. The blinds are those compulsory bets that
are placed in the pot in order to start betting and to
give the players an incentive to enter the hands.

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