Free Online Poker
by Jerry "Jet"
Nov 27, 2006
Gambling free online poker
Online poker has become
extremely popular with the ubiquity of the internet.
Figures reveal how online poker is attracting a huge
clientele, as compared to traditional poker rooms in
gaming establishments and casinos. Thus online poker is
generating massive revenues to the tune of U.S. $200
million in a brief period of one month. Given its
money-spinning potential, it is natural that online
poker receives a tremendous response.
Basic difference between online and traditional poker
Furthermore, online poker is radically differentiated
from poker played in poker room venues. To begin with,
online poker is basically a gambling pursuit that can be
indulged in with complete anonymity. The poker player is
completely rendered a faceless, nameless individual and
this proves advantageous for the gambler who wishes to
remain a nonentity. Another pertinent difference between
online poker and poker rooms is that online poker admits
low bets and does not demand an entry fee. Traditional
poker rooms are never stand-alone establishments; they
are usually an intrinsic part of a casino. In line with
casino policy, they require an entry ticket and
patronize high stakes players. This crucial difference
prompts more players to flock to online poker sites.
Online poker has been recently legalized in several
countries in the Caribbean and is totally legal in the
entire United Kingdom. Online poker makes money on the
same principles that work in traditional poker rooms.
The first instrument is the rake, which has a $3 minimum
betting fee. When poker tournaments are arranged online,
the revenue generated can be as high as ten percent for
the betting establishment. Then again, online poker
games may include blackjack, the financial proceeds from
which flow directly into the betting house’s coffers.
has been averred that online poker allows greater scope
for fraudulent activity as players colluding with each
other. However, most online poker game sites have
technical expertise to detect and deter such subversive
gaming plans. These online poker sites have installed
tracking devices that closely monitor the betting
sequences of both the player and the opponent. This
tracking software automatically reduces chances of
cheating at the online poker game table.
Online poker has then gained both in profile and in
financial clout. It has significantly replaced
traditional poker venues and is a rage among small
stakes poker players.
Online poker has indeed benefited
from legalization of its status, and is drawing more

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