What is gambling addiction?
by Jerry "Jet"
Nov 23, 2006
What is gambling addiction?
The casino is an exciting place to visit for gambling.
Players visit the casino for different reasons. Some
take the time to learn the skills needed to play the
games with the primary goal of winning money but the
majority of players visit the casino for entertainment.
Playing the games is an enjoyable experience and tempt
of winning money adds to the player's excitement. Some
players enjoy the adrenaline rush and experience a high
that accompanies the thrill when they risk their money
on the games. For some this feeling can be seductive and
alluring and a minority of players succumbs to the
darker side of gambling name addiction. Addiction is a
compulsive need. Later a pleasurable experience turns
into an uncontrollable destructive craving. Some people
become addicted to alcohol, drugs, sex, food and
gambling as well. When the thrill of the game outweighs
everything else, the player has crossed over the line
from player to addiction. Gambling like all addictions
can be devastating for the person and his family.
Who is affected in addiction
Current estimates suggest that three percent of the
adult population will experience a serious problem with
gambling that will result in significant debt, family
disruption, job losses, criminal activity or suicide
later. Pathological gambling affects the gamblers. As
the gamblers go through the phases of their addiction,
they spend less time with their family and spend more of
their family's money on gambling until their bank
accounts are depleted and they are finish. Then they may
steal money from family members. At work, the
pathological gambler misuses time in order to gamble and
have lots of difficulty concentrating and finishing
projects and may engage in embezzlement, employee theft
or other illegal activities. There are many organization
offers a comprehensive program of evaluation, treatment,
counseling and support for employees and their families
to come out of their addiction stages. It is very
important to realize that it is not possible alone as
gambling addiction
affects many thousands of individuals and is not
confined to any one type or group of people. If some one
is a victim of gambling and developed an addiction then
they should be taken to good doctor. There should be
early education about the dangers of gambling addiction
and information on how to get help for the problem is
vital for preventing the disease.

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