What does bible say about gambling
by Jerry "Jet"
Nov 23, 2006
What does bible say about gambling?
Gambling is taking an artificial, unnatural, unnecessary
risk in hopes of excessive gain for above what an
investment would pay. Gambling is taking risk for which
you can win something additionally at others expenses.
People call life itself as gambling, taking chance for
everything every now and then, then gambling at casinos,
or betting is perfectly okay. Nothing is wrong in
gambling, as it is also chance taking like life.
Principles of bible
Love and money is the root cause of all kinds of evil.
Greed leads to many foolish and hurtful lusts, many
sorrows. If gambling is greed, as claimed, then it is
associated with all kinds of sin and immortality. The
fruits know a tree. A corrupt tree will surely produce
corrupt fruits and if so, then it should be destroyed.
Hence, if gambling produces many forms of evil, this
will confirm that gambling is evil of it.
Gambling and bible
What bible has to
say about gambling, it all depends upon the
perspective and interpretation. The bible does not
directly address gambling and such silence ground for
discussion and disagreement. Opinions on the propriety
of gambling range from acceptance in modernization to
total abstinence. Gambling is all based upon chance
whereas bible emphasis the sovereignty of god. The bible
tells us to do things that will benefit others and harm
anyone and gambling is like something for nothing, kind
of. The bible condemns materialism while gambling
promotes it.
Fruits cause by gambling
The gambler says what god has provided for me is not
enough. He always wants more, more, than god has
provided him with, believing that being poor is bad, and
being rich is good. God does not need gambling windfall
for the furtherance of his kingdom, everything is all
his. Many churches accept offering that come from
gambling, these days. Independence Baptist church
however does not accept any funds, which are earned by
gambling from the people. The bible does not give any
direct guidance on weather gambling is right or wrong.
According to bible, however, some of the motivations and
actions that may accompany modern gambling are sins and
the fruits that are caused due to gambling:
greed, obsession with money
exploitation of people
not providing for one’s family
bad habits, compulsions
a life of dissipation
anger, hatred, and even murder
drinking, drugs, alcoholism and addiction
prostitution, lasciviousness, and general sexual

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