The law of Internet gambling
by Jerry "Jet"
Nov 21, 2006
About legal issues of Internet gambling:
The issue of the legalization of gambling on the
Internet is by far a developing process due to the
complex and developing nature of the Internet itself.
The laws are not based as a whole for a country and are
left to the states. The department of justice and the
federal bureau of investigations states that the wire
act implemented for gambling within U.S soil indeed does
not prohibits gambling on the internet and its
application is limited to the punishment of gambling if
only used for commercial or business purposes.
Laws in the United States for online gambling:
The federal structure of the Internet gambling
regulation has categorized two types of laws surrounding
the legalization of online gambling, which are firstly
the application of existing
law to Internet
gambling, and secondly, the proposed attempts to
deal specifically with Internet gambling. Other than
this the federal organization has adopted a six-step
plan to control the spread of Internet gambling
throughout the United States as a whole. The six laws
that were passed includes the interstate wire act,
conspiracy and money laundering, the amateur and
professional sports act, the racketeer
influenced and corrupt organizations statutes, and the
communications act of 1934. In addition to all these
there are also several other federal statutes that could
apply, including the organized crime control act, the
travel act, the interstate transportation of wagering
paraphernalia act, the various federal anti-lottery
statutes, and the Johnson act. Among all the laws
regarding the prohibition of gambling in any form the
wire act is best applicable to Internet gambling. It
states that if any one is found to be engaged in the
business of betting or wagering, knowingly uses a wire
communication facility for the transmission in
interstate or foreign commerce of bets or wagers or
information assisting in the placing of bets or wagers
on any sporting event or contest, or for the
transmission of a wire communication entitling the
recipient to receive money or credit as a result of bets
or wagers, or for information assisting in the placing
of bets or wagers, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

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