Social Problem
by Jerry "Jet"
Sept 27, 2006
Casino gambling is a common activity for us.
Most people are social gamblers, who gamble for
entertainment and typically don't risk more than they
can afford.
Though entertainment is the basic core of gambling, but
today you find most of the social gamblers are addicted
with gambling. Casino gambling is very famous in western
Gambling a social problem:
Gambling is treated as a social problem. Gambling
activity is very common among adults as well as youth.
Now online gambling brings a tremendous revolution in
gambling activity that also inspired problem gambling.
The major social problems of gambling are:
Gambling increases addiction:
Addiction is the major
problem of gambling.
Generally addiction gambling is called as compulsive
gambling or pathological gambling.
is define as a progressive addiction characterized by
increasing preoccupation with gambling, a need to bet
more money more frequently, restlessness or irritability
when attempting to stop gambling, "chasing" losses, and
loss of control by continuing negative gambling
behavior, regardless of the disruption and serious
consequences of such behavior.
increases homelessness:
Gambling activity
increases homelessness among gambler. Gambling is the
main object for addicted gambler and they always
thinking of gambling only. They never think of their
family and it’s create gap between him and other family
member. Gradually gambler isolated from his family and
at last he become homeless.
Gambling increases bankruptcy:
Gambling needs money.
Gamblers are mad for gambling and they often take loan
or credit for gambling. But they will not be able to
return the money within the stipulated period of time
which compel them to take more money on credit and its
slowly make them bankrupt.
Gambling increases suicide:
You will find so many
suicide cases only because of gambling. Suicide may be
happened due to inability to pay debt or frustration of
gambling. Suicide case is more common among addicted
gambler than other addiction.
Gambling increases divorce:
Gambling also increases
family problems. No one can lead a happy married life
with a gambling addicted partner. Gambler always avoids
his duty and family responsibility and it often lead to
quarrel between husband and wife, which somehow inspired
divorce of them.
Gambling increases crime:
It is obvious that
gambling increases crime. Crime and gambling are inert
related. Gambling always inspired criminal activity.
Gamblers who want more money for gambling always use
unfair way of earning money. Fraud, forgery are the
crime which often done by the gambler to finance money
for gambling. They may sometimes do serious crime like
murder also.

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