Addiction Medication
by Jerry "Jet"
Sept 25, 2006
Gambling Addiction:
Gambling addiction, which
often refers as pathological gambling, is a very burning
problem for our society. Pathological Gambling is an
addiction in the sense that the person can't stop to
play gambling despite he knows that he cannot afford it.
Gambling addiction is also similar to drug or alcohol
addiction. Once people addicted with gambling it is very
difficult to overcome such problem and it’s become a
psychological disorder for the gambler. Though gambler
gambling for money but pathological gambler not always
addicted for money only. They actually addicted to
action. Pathological gambling can lead to financial
problem, relationship problem and attempted suicide in
some cases. Addicted gambler always neglected their
family and responsibilities.
Disorders and Symptoms:
Gambling addiction is treated as a major mental disorder
in medical science.
is characterized by the sudden euphoria of winning and
frustration of repeated losing. The main symptoms that
are often seen on addicted gambler are
Preoccupied with gambling (i.e. reliving past
gambling experiences, planning the next venture, or
thinking of ways to get money with which to gamble)
Secretive about his/her gambling habits, and
defensive when confronted
Increasing bet amounts when gambling in order to
achieve the desired excitement (“high”)
Trying unsuccessfully to control, cut back or stop
Restless or irritable when not gambling
Gambling to escape problems
“Chasing” losses with more gambling
Lying to family and others about the extent of
Committing crimes to finance gambling
Jeopardizing or losing relationships, jobs,
education or career opportunities because of
Relying on others to bail him or her out relieve a
desperate financial situation caused by gambling
Medication is really help
as effective treatment for gambling addiction. Gambling
addiction problem increases in such a manner that it is
now an issue for drug researcher who busy to develop new
variety of drug to control gambling addiction. Because
of this effort, a new drug called Naltrexone has been
introduced as a treatment for alcohol and drug
addictions, which also shows promising results for
gambling addicts. The United States has involved itself
in researching the matter. They try to develop some
advanced medicine that may effective to control
pathological gambling. Again, the medical community
feels that appropriate treatment needs further
But sociologist don’t think that medication do any help
in treatment of gambling. They only believe on
counseling and education. But still people have faith on
medication of gambling addiction.

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