Teenager Gambling
by Jerry "Jet"
Sept 23, 2006
Teenager Gambling:
Gambling is a fun for people. People enjoy gambling as a
game. So it could be a good fun for teenagers also. But
its not always true because a growing number of teens
are gambling and that’s a concern for our society. Like
other addiction alcohol and drugs gambling is also
become an addiction for teen. Expert say that the
earlier on in life a person begins to gamble, the more
likely that individual is to develop a problem later in
Teenager gambling problem:
Teen gambling is a major concerned for society since
young people have more tendencies towards gambling than
adults. Due to advent of online gambling, teenage
gambling problem increases more rapidly. To go casino
for gambling is quite difficult for teenager because
everywhere gambling is prohibited under age of 18. But
no one can stop teenager to play online gambling, as
online gambling is very easy to access. Due to gambling
addiction teenagers more often developed following
Crime (theft, robbery, embezzlement)
School problems (e.g., lower grades, truancy,
behavior issues)
Family problems (e.g., withdrawal, behavior issues)
Peer relationship problems
Legal and money trouble
Suicidal thoughts and attempts
Dissociative, "escape" behaviors
Risk for co-occurring addiction(s), including
alcohol and substance abuse
Low self-esteem
Preferred Games:
You have plenty of options for gambling. But teenagers
mostly prefer the following game:
Factors for Teen Gambling:
There are some factors that are responsible for
increasing teen gambling. These are:
Family history of alcoholism or problem gambling
Exposure to gambling at young age
Family that overemphasizes money, competition
Early "big win"
Depression, lower self-esteem
Other addiction/behavioral issues
Prevention of Teen Gambling:
It is
very important to prevent gambling activity among
teenagers for sake of our future. As we seen teen
gambling is a burning problem and it is increasing
rapidly. So both legislation and social thinker must
develop some strategy that really helps in prevention of
youth gambling. The most effective method of prevention
could be education. Early education regarding bad impact
of gambling can motivate teenager to avoid gambling
activity. Legislation also played a vital role in
prevention of
gambling. As teen usually addicted with online
gambling, therefore strict statute should be introduce
on online gambling.

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