Help with Gambling Addiction
by Jerry "Jet"
Sept 20, 2006
Gambling Addiction:
Gambling addiction is now a burning problem for gambling
industry. Gambling is believed to be rising due to the
increasing opportunities for gambling. Today you will
find out gambling opportunity everywhere, like online
gambling, sports gambling, casino gambling, etc.
Basically gambling is played for fun. Gambling also
increases the interest of sports action. But today
people use to gamble for earn quick money and now it’s
become an addiction for them. Gambling addiction
is also
refer as compulsive gambling. Compulsive gambling can
lead to financial and relationship problems, and
attempted suicide in some cases. Pathological gambling
is more prevalent among men, ethnic groups and lower
socioeconomic groups. Problem gambling may be any
behavior that disrupts your life either physically,
mentally, socially or emotionally.
Sign of Gambling Addiction:
How can you trace out that someone is addicted with
gambling? There are some signs that you
identified on the addicted gambler behavior, like
Constantly preparing for gambling
Gambling during in work hour,
Gambling to escape from stress and pressure,
Neglecting families and responsibilities,
Borrow money for gambling,
Illegal way of finance money for gambling,
Become alcohol and drug addicted,
Developing some criminal behavior like fraud, theft
Treatment for Gambling Addiction:
Treatment is the best way to prevent gambling addiction
or control gambling addiction. There are three
successful treatment methods of addiction gambling. These
is considered as the primary method of prevention of
gambling addiction. Education helps well in prevention
rather than control. To avoid gambling addiction
education is essential from root level. If youth are
educated in school regarding the gambling effect then
they obviously avoid such activity.
is a successful method of cure gambling addiction. Both
individual counseling and group counseling help in
treatment of gambling addiction. Counseling basically
help to stop the frequency of gambling. It also develops
a productive and healthy life without problem of
Aversion Therapy
is a controversial method of
gambling addiction
treatment. There are different forms of aversion theory.
Electric shock therapy is one of them, which involve
attaching electrodes to the patient wrist.

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