Illinois Gambling Boat
by Jerry "Jet"
Sept 9, 2006
Illinois was the second state to authorize riverboat
gambling, casino riverboat gamblers go on the making
their regular schedule; however, they must wait until
the boats are fully away in the deep sea before starting
the gambling activities. The games in the riverboat
include blackjack, craps, roulette, and big six. There
are also a number of slot machines and the best video
poker, are also available. Illinois riverboat casinos
charge a boarding fee to their customers, which is quite
a good hand full amount. The Illinois riverboat
provides a number of gambling games along with the boats
best luxurious poker rooms and comfortable dining and
the casino entertainment members have been successful in
presenting the Las Vegas style entertainment, generating
even more customers.
The North Star, which is a
gambling riverboat
is a dockside paddlewheel riverboat, was opened on 12th
September 2001, and now severs as a home to Harrah’s
Metropolis casino. The North Star riverboat can
accommodate around eighteen hundred guests with a 36,
000 square foot casino floor that is split into three
gaming floors with over 1100 slot machines and 25 table
games. They welcome all their guests above the age of
21. In this riverboat gambling the gambler on the boat
can roam cashless, because they are provided with tokens
and chips. They offer all types of video poker and slot
machines to play on different levels, as the player
prefers. These include the typical blackjack, poker,
craps, roulette and baccarat. They also have the table
With gambling on the waters, riverboat activity is
changing up the financial waters of communities all
across the country. Today there are over fifty-five
riverboat companies in six different states offering
casino gaming facilities. Each of these companies
employs an average of 800 people. It is estimated that
these gambling riverboat companies alone generate $3.2
billion in revenues. These companies look for that
number to increase significantly in the next few years.
This will be done slowly as the Ohio, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, and New York consider legislation for
permitting their gambling riverboats to Sail aboard.

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