Internet Gambling Facts
by Jerry "Jet"
Sept 5, 2006
Internet gambling facts
With the large access to
computer and technological advancement in Internet
connections, the Internet has made a huge difference in
today’s world. People from all over the world are going
in for gambling on the Internet because it provides
private, immediate, and 24-hour full range to gambling
sites, in all the colleges and residence areas.
According to the National Impact Study Commission’s
report, Internet gambling is growing rapidly in the past
several years as a result of the advanced technology and
strong demand, both in terms of number of gamblers and
Problems Associated
With Internet Gambling.
Eases Criminal Activities.
Stealing money and credit card numbers from
customers have become a very easy thing for the gamblers
who are addicted to gambling.
Gambling operators have also made gambling
software to cheat the customers.
Encourages Youth Gambling.
While some of the Internet
gambling sites make it sure that the gambler is matured
enough to play the game, some of the gambling sites do
not bother weather the player is big or small. Further
on the use of Internet gambling by those who are under
the age of 21 become used to gambling or get addicted.
If they still go on without checking the age the
Internet gambling is soon going to be full with the
youngsters. After all they use the Internet the most.
Also Places a Toll on
The people if they get
addicted to gambling, start wasting money on gambling
which costs of job loss, welfare problems, poor physical
and mental health and many social problems.
A simple reason why the
Internet gambling
is increasing is because at first only one country had
legalized gambling, where as now almost all the
countries have done so. This is the fact that the
college students use the Internet mostly and sometimes
try for something new on the net and go for gambling.
It is
said that gambling is going to be worse among the
college students by the time we summon it, but can be
reduced in its use to the youngsters.

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