Arkansas Laws on Internet Gambling
by Jerry "Jet"
Whittaker Aug
23, 2006
Arkansas Laws on Internet Gambling – Arkansas Online
The gambling laws in many states of the US allow the
people to gamble freely. There are laws, rules and
regulations that govern the status of gambling in the
states. However, they legalize all forms of gambling.
There are only a few states in the US that do not allow
all forms of gambling. The state of Arkansas is one such
example. In fact the Internet gambling situation is
controlled by a large number of laws in the state of
Net Arkansas
large number of people access the Internet for gambling
purposes in Arkansas. In the state of Arkansas it is
illegal to play gambling on the Internet for the sake of
money. People can only gamble for pure fun and
recreation but not for money on the net. The Arkansas
state government has not permitted Internet gambling for
commercial purposes. The reasons for this decision of
the government are many. The state government agencies
feel that Internet gambling is very easy to access and
hence it can be a cause for several problems. Many
people can get addicted to gambling due to online
gambling. Also many teenagers and adolescents below the
age of 21 can get easy access to gambling. This can have
serious consequences for them. The government also wants
to control any obscene and unlawful activities that can
result due to Internet gambling. Hence it has not
allowed full-fledged Internet gambling in Arkansas.
The Internet gambling condition in Arkansas is gradually
undergoing a change. The state authorities are opening
up greatly to the idea of free Internet gambling for the
people. The first steps taken by the government in this
direction are the act for Internet betting on races. A
Committee of the Senate has cleared a bill regarding the
permission to allow betting on races through the
Internet. Many experts feel that banning Internet
gambling is not the right direction and it is also not
practical. Instead it is a better idea to opt for a
highly advanced software mechanism that allows people to
enjoy the sport but keep them away from its problems.
The Arkansas
state government is trying to find the right path of
gambling. This implies that the online gambling scene is
sure to see some positive changes.

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