Addiction is a compulsive
need. What starts as a pleasurable experience turns into
an uncontrollable destructive craving. Some people
become addicted to alcohol, drugs, food and gambling.
The gambling is an activity which is acceptable and fun.
It is the area where the behavior can cross over and
become irrational, abnormal, and destructive. The
Gambling can easily be ignored as an extremely common,
enjoyable, and legal activity. Many times, it is
associated with trading or investing, and deemed as
acceptable. The individual and his associates are quick
to deny and reach for the most convenient
rationalization. But the performance is a very high
stakes game, where friendships, family, finance, and
reputations are all at great risk.
There are two general types of problem gamblers:
· Action gamblers
· Escape gamblers
In this game most of the people start borrowing money
from everyone in sizeable amounts and frequent request
for advance pay. Most of them get changed in behavior
when they are addicted to gambling they speak in rudely
to others and most of their time they play lotteries and
poker for any opportunity. The person who is addicted to
gambling needs to gamble with an increasing amount of
money like a drug enthusiast needing higher doses.
Escape gambling:
The gambling normally
involves games requiring little or no skill like slots,
bingo, lottery, etc. Escape gamblers appear numb, or in
repetitive trance when engaged in gambling. These types
of gambler feel free of emotional and substantial pain
when gambling. These gamblers have been dependable and
moral in their early lives, but are conflict avoiders
and often suffer verbal and material abuse. They have a
desperate need for empowerment and gain it in their
escape gambling. Those who acquire low self-esteem, and
become scheming as the problem develop. Mostly when
people lose all their money he drinks liquor and comes
home and bashes his wife due to the lost of money. Many
poor people get addict to the gambling. When the thrill
of the game outweighs everything else the player has
crossed over the line from player to addict. The
gambling like all addictions can be devastating for the
person and his family.
Addictive gambling:
The gambling includes all
gambling behavior patterns that compromise, disrupt or
damage personal, family or career pursuits. The
essential features include:
· The increasing preoccupation with gambling
· A need to bet more money more frequently
· The restlessness or irritability when attempting to
· chasing losses
· loss of control, manifested by continuation of the
gambling behavior in spite of increasingly serious
negative consequences
· In extreme cases, financial ruin, legal problems, loss
of career and family, and even suicide.

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