Gambling and Society
Gambling and its
relationship with the society:
Gambling is usually defined as any wagering activity,
the outcome of which depends upon the chance or luck of
the person. The scope of gambling activity is so big
that it also includes the betting, card gambling and
lottery also. As the definition suggest that the outcome
of all gambling activity depends upon the luck or
probability of an uncertain event. The gambling is
getting popular day by day as the gambling is very
exciting. The gambling is directly related to the
society. This is because there are a lot of peoples
playing gamble that the gambling is included in the
social structure. The gambling in the casino is also a
good medium to communicate with the other people. The
gamblers also have there own community in which they
intermingle with each other. That is the basic
relationship between the society and the gambling.
Effects of the gambling on the society:
Besides having some communicational advantages the
gambling sometimes affects the society in a serious way
because the gambling is directly related to the basic
institution of the society such as the family and
marriage. By playing gambling a gambler can get addicted
to the gambling which directly affects the family. Drug
addiction as also one of the side effect of the
gambling, which affects the married life. Gambling at
home can also cause some psychological disorders to the
children of the house. There are many adverse side
effect of the gambling on the mind and your health.
Compulsive gambling can sometimes lead to the financial
crisis and that can develop into a psychological
As it is stated that the gambling and the
society has
direct relation. The gambling is good only if it is
played occasionally otherwise it starts affecting not
only the health of the gambler but also the family
relations of the gambler that directly starts affecting
the society. There are enough examples of peoples who
are ruined by the gambling or lost there paychecks in
gambling. The financial crisis is the worst effect of
the gambling. The gambling syndrome has ruined a lot
people and if you don’t want to be a victim of it than
stop gambling on the regular basis and look at the needs
your family.

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