On Gambling
There are various
institutes and organizations as well as individuals who
are carrying our studies and research on gambling
process and gambling industry. The University of Nevada,
Reno in 1989, established the Institute for the Study of
Gambling and Commercial Gaming. It the first
academically oriented program of on the study of
gambling, the Institute serves as a structure to broaden
the understanding of gambling and the commercial gaming
industries. This institute encourages and promotes
research and learning so that the multifaceted issues
surrounding gambling and commercial gaming and the ways
in which individuals and society-at-large are affected
might be addressed. There are also a number of
periodicals and journals that are dedicated in the
process and aim of research and
study on gambling.
These journals encourage individuals and organization to
contribute their research and get published.
Contributions on gambling and gambling-related topics
are always welcome to institutes as well as periodicals
and journals.
Process of contributing research
All contributed manuscripts or papers intended as
Feature, Research, Policy, Clinic are evaluated
anonymously by at least two reviewers with expertise in
the field of gambling studies. They make an assessment
of the manuscript. The editor makes the final decision.
After the final decision the paper is either accepted or
is returned with reviewers' comments and an invitation
to rewrite and resubmit for review, and it can be
rejected. All the responsibility is on the author for
the specific content of their manuscripts including the
accuracy of citations and references.
Topics of study
Most of the studies on gambling are intended to find out
the repurcations of the gambling problem. There are two
terms that are Problem gambling and Pathological
gambling. Various studies are taken into account these
two sectors of gambling along with economic side. People
produce manuscripts to discuss whether pathological
gambling and compulsive gambling are the same thing, the
characteristics of a pathological gambler and the phases
of pathological gambling. Researchers are also inclined
to find out the cause of pathological gambling and the
behavior and number of pathological gamblers. There is
also a curiosity among gambling academicians that which
particular person tends to be a problem gambler or a
pathological gambler. The study on link between problem
gambling and chemical dependency and also if there are
any other mental health problem is also the subject of
great scrutiny. Study of relation between pathological
gambling and crime is also carried out. Study is also
done on how to help the problem gamblers.

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