Trump Reveals Renovation Plans As reported by the New Jersey Star-Ledger: "Donald Trump's casino company yesterday announced it would spend $110 million on a long-awaited plan to renovate its three Atlantic City casinos and play catch-up to the rest of the industry. "The projects include a new retail and restaurant promenade at the Trump Taj Mahal, a Boardwalk entryway facelift for the Trump Plaza, and the refurbishment of meeting and convention space at Trump Marina. New employee uniforms are also in the works, as well as upgrades to employee cafeterias. "…No price tag has been put on the Taj addition. Construction is expected to start next summer. ",,,But the expenditures, while significant for a company that just emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in May, are a drop in the bucket compared with what Trump Resorts' competitors are doing…" |