Biloxi Doing Better than Reported As reported by the Biloxi Sun Herald: "Larry Gregory, the executive director of the Mississippi Gaming Commission, said the three casinos that have reopened in Biloxi since Hurricane Katrina actually made about $62 million during January - $11 million more than the amount reported by the city of Biloxi on its Web site. "…The gross gambling revenue earned by the three casinos is about 69 percent of what the nine casinos operating in the city last January made. The nine casinos posted gross revenues of about $90 million in January 2005, Gregory said. "The three casinos that are back open - the IP, the Isle of Capri and the Palace - made $23 million last January, Gregory said. Collectively, they have about 3,600 slot machines compared to about 4,000 a year ago and 118 table games compared to 100 a year ago…" |