Posts Emmy Odds has posted odds on eight separate categories for this year's Primetime Emmy Awards.
Players can now wager on their favorite Drama Series, Lead Actor Drama Series, Lead Actress Drama Series, Comedy Series, Lead Actor Comedy Series, Lead Actress Comedy Series, Variety/Music/Comedy Series, Reality/Competition Program. "Since the odds were posted last month, the categories seeing the most action are best Drama Series and best Reality/Competition program," says Peter Childs, odds maker, "This isn't surprising to us considering how interested our players have become in wagering on entertainment...especially reality programming." For best Drama Series, the odds are heavily favoring ABC's new hit show Lost at 11-10, followed by HBO's western Deadwood at 5-2. In the Reality/Competition program category, odds makers overwhelmingly like CBS's The Amazing Race at 2-3 with American Idol a close second at 5-2. The 57th Annual Emmy Awards air on Sunday, September 18th at 8:00 p.m. on CBS.