Golden Nugget Deadline Draws Near As reported by the Sun Herald: "Some Point Cadet property owners are worried that drawn-out negotiations between the city of Biloxi and a casino developer may kill the deal for the Golden Nugget. "Landry's Restaurants Inc., which owns the Golden Nugget casinos in Nevada and the brand name, has an option to buy several privately owned parcels on Point Cadet, but the company also needs waterfront property owned by the city. George Sekul, one of the private property owners, told the Biloxi City Council on Tuesday that Landry's needs to know by Dec. 15 if the city wants to do business with the company. "Mayor Holloway did not respond to Sekul's comments "...Another casino company, Isle of Capri Casinos Inc., has a right of first refusal to the city land Landry's wants for its boardwalk development. Holloway has said the city will do business with whichever company presents the better deal..." |