Gambling Craps

Gambling craps
Origin and history of craps
Craps is a gambling game and it is played with dice. Dice has been serving as
the most important and oldest gambling tools .it was prevalent in our society
since the days of our ancestors. The modern dice, which is presently being
played in the casinos, was found in 600 B.C. in Egypt. There are also various
historical evidences regarding the existence of dice since the prehistoric
times. The Indian epic “Mahabharata” is one of the strongest historical
evidence, which supports and portrays the use of dice since that era. The people
of various countries in the ancient time used to use dice as a tool in
predicting their future. Koreans and the American Indians use dice to play
certain games as a form of entertainment but at that it was not played in a very
professional game.
Craps: a gambling game
Dice existed in our society since the pre historic era and the people of that
era had used it to serve different purposes. Dice was initially used to make
various fortune predictions and slowly people started using dice as a form of
entertainment. Initially different forms of entertaining games were developed
with dice, but it was not given a professional outlook. After a long time
various modification is done and different forms of strategies were developed
and dice was used in a different way and this has given rise to craps. Craps is
a gambling game played with the help of dice. Evolution of craps as a gambling
game has added a new dimension to the gambling industry. The people welcome it
and in the present times craps has become a very popular gambling game in the
To start with craps
Craps is an easy gambling game and is devoid of any complications. This has made
the game very popular and it can be played by anyone. Craps is played with two
perfectly matched dice. Out of all the player involved in the game, one has to
roll the dice .the player who roll the dice is known as the shooter and the
other player can bet money for him or against him. If the shooter makes his
point then the player those who had betted money for shooter will win. And if
the shooter fails to make point then the player who had betted against the
shooter will win the money.
