Craps Rules

Brief history about craps
Craps is a game, which involves two dice, the evolution of dice, and its
incorporation in the modern day casino is worth mentioning. Dice was present in
this world till the prehistoric times. In earlier days people belonging to
various tribes used to predict different things related to their life and the
surroundings with the help of dice. The modern games of carps evolve from a very
special game known as hazard and the soldiers played it in twelfth century.
Various new things are added and some amendments are also made in this game and
thus the day begins for the modern game of dice, which is called as craps. It
became every popular in the casino in the nineteenth century.
What is craps and how it is played?
Craps is a gambling game and it is played with two dice. It is a user-friendly
game and this has resulted into its popularity in United States. It is a very
casual game and that is why it also becomes very famous among the soldiers.
Presently it is also very popular game and it is the game where more money is
betted. It has become the most exciting game with people haunting and chanting
surrounding the table. This game is played by betting money on the outcome of
the dice. Any player can roll the dice and the player who rolls the dice is
called shooter and if the outcome of the dice is favorable to any player as per
the rules then that player wins the bet.
Rules and etiquette related to craps
The player who is going to roll the dice should touch the dice with only one
hand and must throw the dice with such a speed so that the dice touches the
boundary of the table and returns. if a player win he should give tip to the
dealer as most of the dealer’s income is from the tips. Late betting is not
encouraged and the player is warned if he is betting late intentionally in order
to predict the outcome it is also considered on the part of players to behave
rudely with the dealers if unknowingly he is happened to make some mistake.
Disputes are cleared by taking into consideration the interest of the players.
