Online poker comps make gambling much more affordable and/or lucrative. When you are at a casino in Las Vegas, they offer you certain gambling clubs to join. Players present their cards at the tables to receive bonuses for playing a lot. These incentives are what keep players going back to those tables at certain casinos.
Why should comps be only applicable at physical casinos? Online gambling is the same exact game. Plus, when you are using the internet to do your gaming, you can change casinos in a heartbeat. They should be offering you unbelievable bonuses in order to keep your business.
Types of Online Poker Comps
Online poker comps begin with sign up. Do not sign up with any casino that does not offer you a bonus for enrolling. This will be added to your account upon your first deposit. Therefore, you should make your first deposit sizable so that you maximize your bonus money.
The next set of comps will come up with certain amounts of gaming. Depending on the games you play and the amount you bet, you will be offered different promotions including free money to gamble with. Casinos know that they have to keep their clientele happy and giving comps is one way to bring about smiles.