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Woman kills sister-in-law for $2,000, goes gambling

Jenny Huynh needed a bankroll to go gambling, so she robbed her
sister-in-law and killed her to keep her quiet, Chicago Police said Monday.
On April 5, Huynh forced Kein Tran to open a safe in her home at 1442 W.
Olive and stole at least $2,000. Huynh allegedly stabbed Tran to death and
went gambling. Jenny Huynh, 48, of Chicago, is charged with the murder of
her sister-in-law Kien Tran in the Edgewater neighborhood. Tran, 56, is
survived by her husband, a restaurant owner, and two children. Huynh, 48,
confessed on videotape, police said. Tran's wallet, credit cards and
clothing were recovered in Lake County. She allegedly told police she tossed
the knife into the Fox River. "I know she has a gambling problem, but this
really surprises me," said Michelle Duong, manager of Nails Now in
Mundelein, who fired her last week for doing a poor job as a nail
technician. Huynh, a Vietnamese immigrant, suffers from depression, her
lawyer said.