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Other forms of gambling already exist lawfully

In Sunday Stabroek of the 10th December 2006, the headlines read, “Religiousleaders against casino gambling.” I am simply astonished that thesereligious leaders’ mindset is still immersed in the dark ages. A few yearsback, whilst living in the USA I would visit the race tracks daily. I wasvery surprised at first that racing would be allowed […]

Palu councillors caught gambling

Six Palu municipal councillors were arrested Thursday and charged withgambling. Police arrested the suspects in a hotel room and seized Rp 225,000(US$25) in cash and playing cards. The councillors are being held forquestioning at Palu Police Headquarters. Officers identified the suspects asYos Sudarso, chairman of the Democrat Party in Palu, Arifin Labanu (DemocratParty), Andi Indra […]

Using gambling revenue to pay for other needs is wrong

I don’t understand the governor’s agenda. I believe privatization is good,but to use gambling as a source of revenue to pay for other needs is wrong.Gambling needs to be removed from the government’s protective umbrella. Weknow wherever there is gambling there are vice and corruption; we also knowthat reducing the size of government bureaucracy eliminates […]

Affadavit sheds light on gambling case, pharmacist’s alleged double life

Undercover IRS agents had several conversations with a McDowell Countypharmacist about the way a gambling operation was run, according to afederal search warrant affidavit. The pharmacist, Saad Kamil Deeb, is underfederal indictment on money laundering and gambling charges. Deeb, who ownsand operates Citizen’s Pharmacy in Welch, was indicted last month by afederal grand jury on […]

Anti-online gambling ad law

The Province of Ontario has passed new consumer protection legislation thatcontains provisions prohibiting the advertising of Internet gambling sites.The provisions underwent important changes at committee (first reading,second reading after committee), however, so that the final bill lookssomewhat different from the one that was introduced in the fall. When firstintroduced, the bill contained a blanket prohibition […]

Rupert Murdock About to Buy Online Gambling Company

Satellite broadcaster BSkyB is in advanced talks to buy the online sportsinformation and gaming firm 365 Media Group Plc for 94 million pounds, theTimes reported on Friday. The two companies would not comment on the report.365 Media Group said on October 5 it had received a number of informal bidapproaches. 365 Media Group, which was […]

Russia considers gambling curbs

Russia’s lower house of parliament on Friday backed sweeping gamblinglegislation force casinos across the country to relocate into fourdesignated zones.The State Duma voted 425-0 on a key second reading to pass theKremlin-backed legislation, which would set up the four special regions byJuly 1, 2009.All gambling and slot machine businesses — including those in Moscow wherecasinos […]

Stop gambling for Christmas, say Filipino bishops

Filipino bishops have decided to take on both illegal and state-run gamblingfor Christmas and have urged Catholics to remember the spirit of the seasonand not throw away their money. Launched by one of the country’s mostcharismatic prelates, Mgr Oscar Cruz, archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, thecampaign has targeted illegal and government-run games. For almost fiveyears now, the […]

Ex-Minister Linked to Gambling Scandal

Prosecutors are tracing the bank account transactions of former Culture andTourism Minister Chung Dong-chea as they investigate suspicions thatgovernment officials were bribed by businessmen looking for licenses to sellgift vouchers used as payouts in an illegal gambling scheme. A formerassistant of Chung, identified only as Yoo, was arrested last month oncharges of taking 137 million […]

La Vergne Police arrest Murfreesboro residents; others on gambling charges

An anonymous tip lead to the arrest of 22 people on gambling and othercharges and a gambling establishment was closed down in La Vergne Wednesdaynight. The operation took place less than 75 yards from a church. Of the 22arrested at 121E George Chaney Blvd, five were for felony charges while 17were given misdemeanor citations. “We […]

New gambling commission

A new shadow Gambling Commission, led by Graham White, has been set up inJersey to prepare for the move to a more statutory Gambling Commission. Theother members of the commission are Peter Cruickshank and Jeremy Arnold. Thegaming industry in Jersey, with an excellent reputation as a well regulatedjurisdiction, is hoping to expand further and attract […]

ONLINE ONLY LETTERS: Court right on gambling; Moore should go

I read with great delight your story regarding the Alabama Supreme Court’sunanimous ruling that “video sweepstakes games at a greyhound dog track inBirmingham are illegal gambling devices, no different from slot machines.”Mark White, Milton McGregor’s attorney, according to the story, said “theruling means that Alabama will continue to lose money to neighboring statesthat offer lotteries […]

German states set to ban Internet gambling

Germany’s federal states plan to ban Internet gambling, according to draftdocuments to be discussed by the country’s state premiers on Wednesday.Reports in the German media are suggesting that Germany’s states will meetthis week to outline plans for banning Internet gambling in the country.Despite pressure from the European Commission to open up Europe’s gamblingmarket to competition, […]

Gambling with no guarantees: Casino may be years, yards away from Duquesne

With only seven days until the Pittsburgh Gaming Commission awards a gaminglicense to one of three slots competitors, concerns about traffic problemshave risen to the forefront. City officials are concerned that, regardlessof the casino location, congestion and parking issues will be major problemsbecause of Pittsburgh’s many bridges, tunnels, rivers and outdated highwaynetworks. Isle of Capri […]