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Other forms of gambling already exist lawfully

In Sunday Stabroek of the 10th December 2006, the headlines read, “Religious
leaders against casino gambling.” I am simply astonished that these
religious leaders’ mindset is still immersed in the dark ages. A few years
back, whilst living in the USA I would visit the race tracks daily. I was
very surprised at first that racing would be allowed on Good Friday. I soon
realized that America does not have the time for religious sentiments. For
them Good Friday is just another day. It became abundantly clear to me why
America is such a wealthy country. I am sure God will forgive the land of
the brave their transgressions. For God helps those who helps themselves. As
a nation, some of our religious leaders are morally bankrupt. They are more
interested in driving in fancy four by fours and preaching in an
air-conditioned church. What is so wrong with casino gambling when we
already have horse racing, lottery, and many gambling clubs. Does the church
ever refuse donations from people who win the lottery? Does the Church ever
enquire if the donations given to them are from dubious sources? These
religious leaders are living in a cocoon. They must look at countries like
Curacao and Antigua which have thrived on casino gambling. Unlike Guyana,
these countries do not have our huge resources which we have never truly
utilised. They are strictly dependent on tourism, which is a facet of casino
gambling or vice-versa. It is the same for Aruba and Bonaire. Guyana has to
attract tourists, casino gambling goes with the territory. If the religious
leaders are against casino gambling they must find jobs for the young people
leaving schools. The horse racing betting shops have provided a great
service to this nation by finding jobs for our young folk. Mr. Chetram Singh
and Mr. Yusuf Mungroo, must be commended for their perseverance. These
religious leaders must talk the talk and walk the walk. They must not forget
how the Vatican acquired some of their wealth. Do you think that there are
no casinos in Italy? These religious leaders need to focus on nation
building and not try to get immersed in affairs that will affect the general
populace’s pockets. In closing, Jesus told the mob who wanted to stone the
woman for adultery “He that is without sin cast the first stone.”