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How I battled gambling addiction

Badman spent 26 days at Tony Adams' Sporting Chance clinic last month afterfinally admitting to family and friends he had a gambling problem. The27-year-old checked himself out of the clinic last Friday, but is stillreceiving support from chief executive Peter Kay and his team ofcounsellors. Badman made his Bluebirds comeback as a second half substitutein […]

Nearly 30 people arrested in Roswell gambling raid

The suspected gambling operation was in a home near Centennial High School.The arrests made Monday night were the result of a six-month investigationinto commercial gambling, police said. Players had to go online and registerand then receive an invitation to the game, police said. Participants alsohad to put down $10,000 to get into the house where […]

Several proposals on the table would change Iowa gambling

Last week was the second major "funnel week" of this year's legislativesession. All Senate files that had been passed by the Senate and assigned toa House committee had to be approved by a House committee by Friday or weretechnically not eligible for consideration during the remainder of thesession. This is yet another way for us […]

Woman kills sister-in-law for $2,000, goes gambling

Jenny Huynh needed a bankroll to go gambling, so she robbed hersister-in-law and killed her to keep her quiet, Chicago Police said Monday.On April 5, Huynh forced Kein Tran to open a safe in her home at 1442 W.Olive and stole at least $2,000. Huynh allegedly stabbed Tran to death andwent gambling. Jenny Huynh, 48, […]

Voters should have final say on more gambling casinos

The Maine Legislature is now considering a citizen-initiated bill for amajor expansion of gambling in Maine. LD 805 will double the number of slotmachines in the state, allow the Passamaquoddy Tribe for the first time toconduct high-stakes beano off their reservation, and expand off-trackbetting. Instead of rejecting the bill and sending it to the voters […]

Veteran rips state gambling policies

Absolutely ridiculous!" "Hypocritical!" "You're out of your mind!" "Yourservice to us stinks!" Those barbed words were uttered at Saturday's townmeeting in Decatur with State Sen. Dave Ford of Hartford City and State Rep.Mike Ripley of Monroe over the issue of gambling. Approximately 20 peopleattended the event at Decatur Public Library. The lay-it-on-the-line speakerwas Art Adam […]

Investing Isn’t Gambling, Though Both Carry Risk

WALK INTO ANY casino and you'll see an army of people pumping dollars intoslot machines full well knowing they're going to lose. We feed slot machinesbecause they're fun; even I have lost a few dollars to the slots at LasVegas' McCarran Airport, which is notorious for having the worst odds intown. Of course, we don't […]

Get rid of Online Gambling Restrictions

The U.S. doesn't mind the lottery, but when it comes to sports bettingacross interstate or international boundaries, all bets are off. Theyshouldn't be. ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA, former British colonies on the easternedge of the Caribbean Sea, are smaller than Los Angeles and less populousthan Burbank. Yet they may be able to force the world's most […]

Tribe’s Hard Rock Deal Jibes With Past

The Seminole Tribe of Florida fought the U.S. Army in the 1800s and resistedforced migration to Oklahoma. A century later, they rescued themselves frompoverty by becoming the first tribe to venture into the gambling business.Now is the time for an ambitious new challenge – being the first AmericanIndian tribe to buy a global company. The […]

Gambling Wife Charged

Judy Lea Fairbanks, 52, of Bellevue, Neb., was charged Saturday after shewas found gambling at the Horseshoe Casino in Council Bluffs. Police saidshe left her husband in the car and taped a sign to the window, which said"I have a disability. Do not be alarmed. I am resting. Please do not callsecurity." Fairbanks' husband cannot […]

N.E.’s Samuel gambling, and Patriots hold the cards

Asante Samuel is playing a high-stakes game of poker with his future in NewEngland. The Patriots are prepared to call his bluff. Samuel is reportedlyunhappy with the status of contract talks between he and the Patriots as thetwo sides negotiate a multi-year deal to keep the 26-year-old cornerback inNew England. The Patriots put the franchise […]

N.J. racetracks fear losing out to gambling

Horse industry insiders have warned the state could lose part of the racingindustry's annual half-billion dollar impact if steps aren't taken tocompete with gambling in neighboring states. The call follows a reportreleased last week by the Rutgers Equine Science Center that found theindustry alone funnels $1.1 billion annually to the state's economy withracing bringing in […]

Woman leaves husband in car while gambling, faces neglect charge

A Nebraska woman was charged with neglect of a dependent person afterleaving her husband unattended in a car outside a casino. Judy LeaFairbanks, 52, of Bellevue, Neb., was charged Saturday after she was foundgambling at the Horseshoe Casino in Council Bluffs. Police said she left herhusband in the car and taped a sign to the […]

Second Life Gambling – Now The Feds Are Checking The Avatars

US authorities are investigating gambling in the virtual reality world ofSecond Life. The FBI has reportedly examined casinos that operate in thegame following a month-long crackdown on internet gambling. "We have invitedthe FBI several times to take a look around in Second Life and raise anyconcerns they would like, and we know of at least […]