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Mark Foley voted against internet gambling bill

Disgraced Florida Congressman Mark Foley was a friend of internet gambling. has learned he voted against a bill to outlaw online
gambling, apparently between internet sex breaks with young Congressional
pages. Bluff Magazine, a leading poker monthly, obtained the votes from each
Congress person to ban internet gambling in which Foley voted “ney”. Could
Mark Foley have been an online poker addict on top of an alcoholic and sex
depraved underage Congressional page stalker? Foley was one of only a few
Republicans to vote against the Republican-driven anti poker prohibition.
Late Friday night, Republican Senator Majority Leader Bill Frist slipped a
more “watered down” version of an internet gambling measure into a port
security bill. Nevada Congresswoman Shelley Berkley condemned the Republican
party for sneaking in measure while eliminating provisions that would beef
up the security of the nation’s rail and mass transit system. That bill
passed both the House and Senate during the wee hours of Saturday morning
while much of the internet gambling industry was sound asleep and threatened
to endanger the votes for Republicans by some 50 million American poker
players this coming Election Day. The nearly 100,000 member strong Poker
Players Alliance has urged its members not to vote for those Congresspersons
who supported the bill, claiming it “reeks of protectionism”. The bill
carves out niches for horse racing and state lotteries.

Shocking new Internet messages surfaced yesterday, revealing that former
Rep. Mark Foley engaged in online sex with a male high-school page – while
taking a break from an important vote on the House floor.

The graphic exchange published on ABC News website follows what the two
described as earlier “orgasms”.

“Ok[sic] I better go vote . . . did you know you would have this effect on
me,” writes Maf54, identified as Foley, after the two apparently had what
they described to each other earlier as orgasms, according to ABC.

“You go vote . . . I don’t want to keep you from doing your job,” the teen

“Can I have a kiss goodnight,” Foley asks.

“*:- KISS,” the teen responds.

It is not known at this time whether Mark Foley had opened any internet
gambling accounts.

Frist has condemned online gambling as “a serious addiction that undermines
the family, dashes dreams, and frays the fabric of society”.

His colleague, Mark Foley, apparently did not agree with that sentiment.