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Irish Official Looks to End Gambling Clubs Growth

As reported by the (Irish) Sunday Business Post: “Minister for Justice
Michael McDowell has vowed to bring the country’s gambling clubs to their
knees. For decades, Irish gambling clubs have operated in a legislative grey
area because, unlike every other country in the EU, Ireland has no law
specifically governing casinos. “Gambling is illegal in the state unless it
is a game of chance, or partly a game of chance, under the 1956 Gaming and
Lotteries Act.

“However, so-called casinos have traditionally sidestepped the rules by
setting themselves up as ‘private members’ clubs’, which are not subject to
the same rules as normal commercial entities.

“To gamble in a gambling club, all a customer needs to do is sign up as a
member at the door. They can then gamble freely, as often as they want, so
long as they show their membership credentials each time they enter the
club. Membership is generally free.

“.However, McDowell is intent on reining in the growth of gambling clubs.

“.McDowell said he would soon ask for government approval to include the
clampdown on casinos in the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2006.

“The new bill is to update the 1956 act which was introduced to govern the
running of slot machines, amusement arcades and raffles.”