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Best Gambling Strategy

Dear Mark: Why is it that I always lose in the casino? Am I simply playing the wrong games? Rachael M. Hey, Rachael, I’m just guessin’ here, but are you playing any of the games I recommend? Are you employing a .The Smarter You Play, the Luckier You’ll Be

Globe and Mail – The best outcome for the Libs is probably a very weak minority with half the caucus from S. Ontario leading to even more . I have always maintained that the Libs need a strategy to move beyond their core in urban ‘progressive’ Canada if they are to .Rae ready for another campaign

LAS VEGAS, Nevada — With new Strip resorts competing for the high-end market, the world’s largest gaming company is faced with a momentous decision: whether to join the chase or do what it does best – cultivate middle-class gamblers who prefer frequent casino incentives over opulent surroundings.Monday December 24, 2007 – 14:14 EST (Rolling Good Times)

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