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National Problem Gambling Awareness Week Begins March 5

Problem gambling is a serious issue in Louisiana facing as many as 200,000
of our state's residents. To help raise awareness about Louisiana's services
for those who experience problems with gambling, Gov. Kathleen Babineaux
Blanco has declared the week of March 5 as National Problem Gambling
Awareness Week.
"Problem gambling is a serious health issue in our state," said Department
of Health and Hospitals Secretary Dr. Fred Cerise. "In fact, between three
and five percent of Louisiana's adult citizens find themselves having some
problems with gambling. Our agency's Office for Addictive Disorders helps
people who have a gambling problem recover." "We know that there are many
problem and pathological gamblers in Louisiana who could benefit from
services aimed at curbing their addiction," said Office for Addictive
Disorders Assistant Secretary Michael Duffy. "Unfortunately, stigma and
denial are a big part of this disease. Too many people wait longer than
necessary to get help."