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Christians Unsure If Day Trading Is Gambling According To ChristiaNet Poll the world’s largest Christian portal with twelve million
monthly page loads, recently polled reader’s on the question, “Is day
trading on the stock market gambling?” The majority was unsure but some of
the participants felt that it is gambling since you can win or lose. One
respondent wrote, “It’s like a game of chance.” The people who felt that
trading is wrong overall seemed to agree that the Bible warns against
foolish spending and as Christians we should be investing in the Kingdom of
God, avoiding temptation because greed is never satisfied. Out of 291
polled, 94 felt that day trading was a form of gambling. 128 of the
respondents were unsure and many stated that they didn’t have sufficient
knowledge about it to comment while others felt that it was a personal
choice. Some participants seemed to have mixed feelings on whether it is
investing money wisely since the results are uncertain and Christians
considering this type of investing should do some research on it or rely on
a broker who knows more. Sixty-nine people did not feel that there was
anything wrong with it. One person commented, “All investments are a gamble
and we are told to invest our money and be wise stewards.” One participant
leaned towards the Bible scripture of the good servant who turned 5 coins
into 10. A few of the respondents stressed that one’s attitude is what
matters most because of the temptation of greed. One person argued that it
isn’t taking a chance because there is a calculated way to invest and if a
person has enough knowledge about it they can be successful.