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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

Tribes: Site won’t be used for gambling

American Indian tribes and preservationists trying to buy Valmont Butte fromthe city of Boulder say they have absolutely no intention to turn it into agambling site.Boulder City Attorney Ariel Calonne said he can’t rule out the possibilitythat tribes could assert sovereignty and override any deed restrictionsplaced upon the property. But, he said, the tribes wouldn’t […]

Whisky, porn CDs, cash seized in police raid on City gambling den; Family probed for ‘throwing’ maid from balcony

Acting on information and armed with a search and arrest warrant, policeraided an office of a well-known general trading and contracting company indowntown Kuwait City and arrested 4 men — three Indians and a Bangladeshi –for using the office as a gambling den, reports Al-Watan daily. During theraid police also seized from the men 72 […]

4 men detained over gambling in Kg Ayer

Officers from the Gambling and Anti-Vice Unit of the Criminal InvestigationDepartment, Royal Brunei Police Force, acting on a tip off, conducted aninspection at a house in Kg Ayer where they detained four local men onsuspicion of involvement in gambling activities. Police confiscatednotebooks believed to be used to record 4-digit lottery debts, three mobilephones and over […]

Gambling ‘kingpin’ John Neal gets 2 years

A federal judge is convinced that John Neal returned to his role as the“invisible … kingpin” of a multi-county video gambling enterprise shortlyafter being freed from prison. As a result of violating the conditions ofhis supervised release, the 69-year-old Delaware County resident will beimprisoned for two more years.“It’s simply a shell game, a clumsy sleight […]

Bill to Fund Roads Through Gambling Advances in Senate

The Virginia Senate gave preliminary approval yesterday to a measure thatwould allow Colonial Downs, the horse racing track east of Richmond, tooffer a new form of off-track gambling that would generate as much as $300million annually that could be directed toward transportation needs. Asimilar measure was defeated last week in the House. But the idea […]

Art contest focuses on gambling

Oregon middle-school students are invited to enter artwork for a 2008calendar that will be used to increase problem gambling awareness. Anestimated 75,000 adult Oregonians experience problems related to theirgambling, which also impacts children and families. “This is a chance forstudents both to learn more about the risks of gambling and to capture theattention of parents […]

Barkley’s chronic gambling continues

Charles Barkley said Monday that he won “about $700,000” gambling in LasVegas over the weekend. “That was all profit (from) blackjack and I bet onthe Super Bowl. I had the Colts,” Barkley said in an interview with Phoenixtelevision station KTVK. “I played a lot of blackjack.” Barkley did not sayhow much be bet on Sunday’s […]

Gambling survey profiles Mass. casino gamblers

BOSTON A survey finds nearly seven (m) million Massachusetts residentsvisited Connecticut casinos in the past year. The figures released today bythe U-Mass-Dartmouth Center for Policy Analysis are part of a study of NewEngland residents’ attitudes toward gambling. It finds that 36 percent ofall Foxwoods patrons and 21 percent of all Mohegan Sun visitors are fromMassachusetts. […]

Gambling is an ugly addiction for more than 1.2 million Californians

After Nick Colangelo won more than $110,000 on a $2 slot machine bet inJuly, the 47-year-old Fontana man paid off his car and truck and eveninvested in the stock market. But his winnings “created a monster,”Colangelo says. He returned to Highland’s San Manuel casino less than twodays after the jackpot and has since lost $20,000 […]

Washington Gambling Commission considering expansion by Spokane tribe

OLYMPIA, Wash. The state Gambling Commission meets Friday in Olympia toconsider an agreement with the Spokane tribe. The deal would allow the tribeto offer as many as 47-hundred slot machines at five casinos. Statelawmakers are concerned that other tribes in Washington will seek the sameexpansion of gambling. Tribal officials say it would be a refinement […]

Christians Unsure If Day Trading Is Gambling According To ChristiaNet Poll the world’s largest Christian portal with twelve millionmonthly page loads, recently polled reader’s on the question, “Is daytrading on the stock market gambling?” The majority was unsure but some ofthe participants felt that it is gambling since you can win or lose. Onerespondent wrote, “It’s like a game of chance.” The people who felt […]

Will gambling raids return in La Salle County? Don’t bet on it

There are sights you just don’t see anymore in La Salle County. For example:In the 1950s, La Salle County State’s Attorney Harland Warren brought thehammer down on gambling in the county. One day during that time, he and oneof his assistants, Craig Armstrong, raided Becker & Currie’s Cigar Store inPeru, where sporting gentlemen took pleasure […]


Several different types of gambling are conducted through the Internet inHungary, and they are taxed depending on the type of operation. Gambling islegal in Hungary. Online gambling organizers in Hungary are required to filetax returns and pay taxes on the basis of self-assessment. The tax ratesvary for different types of gambling operations, including: a casino,money-winning […]