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Texas Legislators Consider Casinos Next January

As reported by the Midland-Reporter Telegram: “Ushering in casino gambling
to help finance public schools will not be considered during the Texas
Legislature’s current special session on education reform, but it will be
debated when lawmakers convene for their regular biennial session next
January, legislators say. “With the city of Stanton in particular wanting a
casino or greyhound racing track, the issue remains in play in the Permian
Basin with the horse racing track and casino in nearby Hobbs, N.M.,
attracting a multitude of area citizens.

“A Stanton city official and the Austin lobbyist promoting Stanton’s
interests say legislators will be asked simply to put a proposed ‘local
option’ constitutional amendment on the statewide ballot and let cities
decide if they want casinos.

“.Lobbyist Robert Cox, a Stanton native, said a bill like the one Democratic
Sen. Rodney Ellis of Houston introduced last year can be expected at the
session’s outset. Ellis proposed allowing the creation of up to 24 Las
Vegas-style casinos including two in West Texas, five each in Dallas-Fort
Worth and Houston, two in San Antonio and two on American Indian