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Costa Rica’s lax laws shield online gambling industry

Think of Costa Rica and flashes of colorful birds, bright beaches and longhikes through the rain forest come to mind. But several recent arrests andindictments have thrust the country into the spotlight for another, lesssavory reason: its cozy relationship with the online gambling industry. Theindustry is under fire from U.S. authorities, helping create the notion […]

Online Gambling in Europe: A Question of Fair Access

It appears as though the right to free access to online gambling services inEurope is destined to be decided by the courts, as increasing numbers ofEuropean states ignore the recent European Court of Justice directive whichstated that a Member State cannot invoke the need to restrict its citizens’access to betting services if at the same […]

German crackdown raises the stakes for internet gambling

BRITISH executives of online gambling companies could be arrested oncriminal charges in Germany if they set foot in the country. Officials fromthe interior ministries of the German states of Hesse and Bavaria told TheBusiness that executives of foreign companies who let German residents placesports bets online are committing “criminal” acts that could lead toprosecution in […]

Gambling Machines Destroyed

The Royal Customs and Excise Department yesterday morning destroyed 52gambling machines and 6,391 tokens, which were confiscated in 2002 and 2003.Four local Chinese have been prosecuted in court for having the illegalmachines in shops as well as apartments. Aside from the gambling machines,$1,262 in cash was also seized. The four were fined up to $49,200. […]

Gambling on change won’t lose

If you want to see an ex ample of how quickly this region can change, lookat the articles on this page about gambling. Staff writer Tom Dochatexplains that the approval process for lucrative gaming licenses is hotterthan the handle of a 25-cent one-armed bandit on a Saturday night. Teams ofstate investigators have been traveling worldwide […]

Gambling gives to, takes from local economy

Electronic-slots parlors would generate thousands of jobs and tens ofmillions of dollars to seed local business growth, gambling supporters say.But the four parlors that would sprout in Greater Cleveland are by no meansa sure bet to bolster the region’s economy, anti-gambling forces respond.Even the local power brokers who back the plan to bring nine parlors […]


“….the way in which some members of the Senate have decided to move[anti-online gambling measures] through reeks of political gamesmanship. Theissue of Internet gambling has not been given a hearing in the Senate, ithas not been debated, in fact, there isn’t even a bill introduced.”Following the failure of Senator Bill Frist’s attempt to attach ananti-online […]

School says no to gambling cash

Gambling money underpins parent advisory councils across B.C., but thesource of the much-needed cash poses an ethical dilemma for some parents.Unlike most PACs that happily pocket provincial grants funded by gambling,South Park Elementary does not. “Gaming can be problematic for some people,and is the message that we want to be sending to our kids that […]

Gambling addiction blamed for robbery ‘frenzy’

A Christchurch man who committed a “frenzy” of six knifepoint robberies oversix weeks was sent to jail for seven years yesterday. Murray Duglas Harris,a 46-year-old with a previously unblemished record, had pleaded guilty inChristchurch District Court and was sentenced yesterday by Judge GaryMacAskill. Harris admitted robbing three service stations, a tavern, aliquor store and a […]

Fun fairs a front for gambling

Most fun fairs attract children, but at least six in the district are a hitwith adults. That’s because they are a front for gambling dens. These funfairs have the usual attractions such as rides and carnival games, saidJohor Baru MCA Youth secretary Rodney Soon. “But hardly anyone plays thesegames. The people go there just to […]

Gambling in Pennsylvania

For an activity to be “gambling” in Pennsylvania there must be payment of aconsideration or fee for the chance to win a prize. The winner must bedetermined by chance. The legal forms of gambling in the state areactivities governed by the Race Horse Industry Reform Act, the PennsylvaniaLottery, bingo and small games of chance. One […]

Four police chiefs in Luzon relieved over gambling

The chiefs of police of four towns in Tarlac, Bulacan, and Isabela have beenrelieved because the illegal numbers game jueteng continues in their areas,officials said.In Central Luzon, Chief Superintendent Ismael Rafanan, regional policedirector, on Friday ordered the relief of Superintendent Aniceto Frane,police chief of Camiling, Tarlac, and Superintendent Jesus Reyes, policechief of Calumpit, Bulacan. They […]

Online gambling help going live this month

A service called gamAid that provides instant online help to people withgambling problems has the green light to go live this month after asix-month trial. The service has already had more than 55,000 visits andprovided 1,000 one-to-one help session during the first four months of itstrial. With gamAid, online gamblers can find instant, real-time, one-to-oneaccess […]

Entire state must vote on gambling issue

West Virginia’s gambling industry plans another push in the Legislature nextyear for local option elections to allow table games at the state’s fourracetrack casinos.In preparation for next year’s effort, a poll released by the state RacingAssociation earlier this week shows 61 percent of West Virginians favorlocal option elections, up from 51 percent in a similar […]