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PartyGaming lifted by delay to US anti-gambling law

PARTYGAMING experienced a late flurry of buying on an apparent proceduralsetback in Congress over America’s anti-gambling legislation.Bill Frist, the Senate majority leader, has been seeking to attach theanti-gambling measure to one of two “must-pass” Bills before Congress shutsdown this weekend ahead of November’s mid-term elections. But withlegislators keen not to hold up the progress of […]

Porn, gambling, liquor companies slapped for soliciting minors

Utah consumer protection officials have cited four companies for sendinge-mail solicitations to minors for Web sites promoting gambling, alcohol andpornography. It was the second time this year state investigators issuedcitations under the state’s controversial Child Protection Registry law,which requires adult-oriented Web sites and e-mailers to screen outaddresses on the list from their distribution databases. Named […]

Program strives to help teens kick gambling habit

This week, Youth Eastside Services launched the first state-funded programto help teens battle gambling addiction. The program is funded by a new taxapproved last year by the Legislature to pay for prevention and treatment ofproblem gamblers. The tax is paid by the Washington Lottery, WashingtonHorseracing Commission and groups with recreational gaming licenses. So far,much of […]

Gambling Operators Are Warned

A senior Finance Ministry official told gambling operators to prepare forhard times, while scantily clad girls danced outside the conference hall atMoscow’s annual international gaming expo Thursday. Dancers dressed ascowgirls moved to the din of slot machines at Crocus Expo, where hundreds ofcasino bosses, slots operators and manufacturers of gambling equipmentgathered in the hope of […]

Catholic schools to stop raising funds via gambling

Catholic schools in Calgary have agreed to stop fundraising through casinosand bingos, but it’s “business as usual” until they figure out how to makeup the $2-million shortfall, says the chairwoman of the school district’strustees. The issue arose when Calgary Bishop Fred Henry threatened to stripthe schools of their Catholic designation if they continued to raise […]

Internet Gambling Bill has little chance of passing

After a brief skirmish over new identification requirements for cross-bordertravel, it appeared House GOP leaders have agreed to let the $34.8 billionFY07 Homeland Security appropriations conference report come to the floor asearly as today, GOP aides said. House Speaker Hastert and Judiciary ChairmanSensenbrenner, key architects of the 2004 intelligence overhaul lawstipulating the requirements, had pressured […]

Online gambling could face legal restrictions

Hoosiers who sit at their computers gambling online may be subject togreater restrictions in the near future. State Rep. Joe Micon, D-WestLafayette, and Republican candidate Connie Basham both believe restrictionson the practice are necessary. Micon commented on state law, stating“Currently, participating (in online gambling) is not illegal.” Indiana lawallows such participation but prohibits the operation […]

Track Official Says Time Is Now For Table Gambling

The jingle of slot machines from neighboring Pennsylvania could serve as awake-up call for West Virginia lawmakers to approve table gambling, DelegateGil White believes. White, R-Ohio, said without table gambling West Virginiacould lose up to $50 million in revenue the first year Pennsylvania comeson-line with its slot machines. Pennsylvania officials on Wednesday approvedlicenses for five […]

Italy to Legalize and Regulate Online Poker and Gambling

Italy has had an interesting relationship with online gaming. In February,the country attempted to ban all IP addresses of online gaming sites, andthen a few days later reportedly tried to set up an ‘exclusive’ relationshipwith an online poker room, allegedly for a slice of the pie. Now, Italy hastaken the step that the U.K., and […]

Online-gambling bill stuck

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Warner, a Virginia Republican,raised a “strong objection” to attaching any unrelated legislation to apending defense bill, which has been viewed by supporters of the gamblingbill as a prime vehicle for it. “I have firmly opposed putting any(unrelated) bills in the conference report,” Warner wrote in a letter datedMonday to […]


Fiscal protectionism masked by political manoeuvring and adroit publicrelations the real agenda Veteran industry professional and soon to standdown Sportingbet CEO Nigel Payne spoke out against online gambling bans inan interview with The Times of London this week. Long an articulateproponent of government regulated and taxed online gambling, Payne explainedhow not so hidden agenda have […]

Frist looking to attach Internet Gambling Bill before Congress adjourns

Senator Frist failed again to attach an Internet gambling bill to a defensebill today. However, Republicans are looking for other avenues to banonline gambling before Congress adjourns for the November 7 elections. Anaide told Reuters today, “Frist wants to get it done…We are still workingthings out. Everyone is still talking.” A senior Democratic aide was […]

William Hill pulls plug on US gambling

British bookmaker William Hill said today it had stopped taking casino andpoker bets from US customers amid confusion over internet gambling lawsthere. Online sports betting contravenes the 1961 Wire Act in America, whichbans the placing of bets on sporting events via the telephone line in thestates. William Hill already has measures in place to prevent […]

Christian church leaders join forces against Ohio gambling issue

A broad coalition of Christian clergy said Wednesday they will pushparishioners to oppose a proposal to expand gambling in Ohio by displayingyard signs, campaigning door-to-door and preaching against the measure fromtheir pulpits. The announcement at a Statehouse news conference marked amoment of rare cooperation on a political issue between Ohio’s mainstreamand conservative religious communities, which […]